Feb 14, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog & Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Catalog & Student Handbook


Tennessee Board of Regents

The State University and Community College System of Tennessee
1 Bridgestone Park, Third Floor
Nashville, Tennessee 37214

Chairman (ex-officio)

The Honorable Bill Lee
Governor of the State of Tennessee


Emily J. Reynolds, Vice-Chair, 5th Congressional District, 2021-2027
Mark George, At-Large West Tennessee, 2020-2026
Todd Kaestner, 7th Congressional District, 2023-2028
Barry Stephenson, 3rd Congressional District, 2024-2029
Lizzette Reynolds, Commissioner of Education
Layah Garton, Student Regent, 2023-2024
Charles Hatcher, Commissioner of Agriculture
Kyle Spurgeon, 8th Congressional District, 2023-2026
Shane Hooper, 4th Congressional District, 2023-2028
Miles Burdine, 1st Congressional District, 2019-2025
Steven Gentile, Executive Director of the Tennessee Higher Education Commission
MaryLou Apple, 6th Congressional District, 2018-2024
Danni B. Varlan, 2nd Congressional District, 2019-2025
Nisha Powers, 9th Congressional District, 2018-2024
Thomas A.H. White, At-Large East Tennessee, 2022-2028
Mark Gill, At-Large Middle Tennessee, 2019-2024
Vanessa Pilkinton, Faculty Regent (non-voting), 2023-2024
Ross Roberts, Faculty Regent (non-voting), 2023-2025

Executive Staff

Flora W. Tydings, Chancellor
Mary Ann Hammonds, Executive Assistant to the Chancellor
Carol Tomlinson, Manager of Marketing Operations
Norman Batson, Chief Audit Executive
Jothany Reed, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Alisha Fox, Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance
Sean Chism, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Organizational Effectiveness
Rick Locker, Communications Director
Russ Deaton, Executive Vice Chancellor for Policy and Strategy
Kimberly McCormick, Vice Chancellor for External Affairs
Heidi Leming, Vice Chancellor for Student Success
Jonathan Calisi, Chief Information Officer
Mariah Perry, Board Secretary
Brian Lapps, General Counsel
Matthew Gann, Associate Vice Chancellor for Marketing, Digital Strategy, and PR
Robert Denn, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Angela Flynn, Associate Vice Chancellor for Procurement, Contracts, and Payment Services
Johnathan Button, Associate Vice Chancellor for Student and Financial Aid Services
Zachary Adams, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Workforce Alignment
Kazadi Kazadi, Frontend Developer
Joel Scott, Director of Web and Digital Media
April Preston, Associate Vice Chancellor for HR and Payroll
Arrita Summers, Associate Vice Chancellor for Leadership Development
Chris Tingle, Assistant Vice Chancellor-Date Strategy
Alexander Gorbunov, Assistant Vice Chancellor-Research and Assessment
Tachaka Hollins, Assistant Vice Chancellor
Charles Lopez, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Amy Moreland, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Policy and Strategy
George Pimentel, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Strategic Initiatives
Thomas Sewell, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Innovation
Tiffany Steward, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Enrollment & Retention Ser
Renee Stewart, Associate Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance
Michael Tinsley, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Success
John Williams, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Government Relations
Michael Williams, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Safety & Security

Cleveland State Personnel
Executive Administrative Offices

Office of the President

Dr. Andrew White, President
Casi Hodges, Executive Assistant to the President
Judi Renfro, Campus Information Coordinator
Vacant, CPA, Director of Internal Auditing

Office of Academic Affairs

Dr. Corey Campbell, Vice President
Charlene Maples, AS, Executive Assistant
Laura Brogden, Director of Academic Compliance
Vacant, Coordinator of Academic Advising and Transfer Articulation

Office of Finance and Operations

Dr. Sindy Reynolds, Vice President
Emily Lovingood, BAS, Administrative Assistant 1
Stacey Swafford, Campus Events Coordinator

Office of Student Affairs

Dr. Willie Thomas, Vice President
Sheila Smith, BS, CAP, Executive Secretary
Renae Frazier, Dean of Enrollment Management

Human Resources and Compliance

Kellie R. Frank, Associate Vice President of Human Resources and Compliance
Christy Dale, Director of HR Services
Michele Darnell, CAP, Human Resources Assistant
Kathy Barr, AS, Payroll Specialist
Ashley Raburn, Director of Enrichment Center
Nathan Simmons, BS, MS, MA, Coordinator of Enrichment Experiences

Office of Advancement

Lee McChesney, Director of Advancement
Chrissy Pugh, MS, Coordinator of Advancement

Office of Economic and Community Development

Dr. John Squires, Vice President
Heather Brown, Workforce Development Director
Bre LaMountain, Project Coordinator
Chelsea Falana, AS, Workforce Specialist
Erika Stuart, Grants Director
Jacob Payne, Student Support Specialist

Administrative Offices

Finance and Operations

Dr. Sindy Reynolds, Vice President
Emily Lovingood, Administrative Assistant 1
Stacey Swafford, Campus Events Coordinator
John Powers, BS, Event Production Specialist

Accounting Services

Wanda Moon, Manager
Vacant, Coordinator of Student Accounts
Himani Patel, BS, Staff Accountant

Business Services

Cara Leamon, Manager
Amy Norwood, AS, CAP, Accounting Clerk III
Marcia Taylor, Coordinator of Purchasing and Budgets

Campus Police

Rob Deyo, Chief
Tim Fowler, AS, Deputy Chief of Police
Vickie Kalabus Miller, AAS, AS, BS, Police Officer 1
James Oister, Police Officer 1
Harvey Presley, Police Officer 1 MHEC
Vacant, Police Officer 1 TCAT Athens

Physical Plant

JT Van Hassent, Director
Jennifer Bledsoe, Assistant Director
Ernie Morrell, Senior HVAC Technician
Brandon Sharp, Preventive Maintenance Technician
Vacant, Preventive Maintenance Technician
David Morrow, BS, Event Set-Up Assistant and Campus Courier
Steven Powell, General Maintenance Laborer
Vacant, General Maintenance Laborer

Office of Student Affairs

Dr. Willie Thomas, Vice President
Sheila Smith, BS, CAP, Executive Secretary
Renae Frazier, Dean of Enrollment Management

Admissions and Records

Lindsey Mowery, Director
Michael Myers, MBA, Assistant Registrar
Jamie Beaty, Admissions Operations Associate
Tabatha Mowery, AS, Admissions Operations Associate

Athletics and Campus Recreation

Mike Policastro, Director/Baseball Coach
Kathleen Haselhorst, BA, Part-time Secretary 2
Rafael Howard, Men’s Basketball Coach
Vacant, Women’s Basketball Coach
Steven Jaecks, Women’s Softball Coach

Counseling, Testing and Career Services

Mark Wilson, Director
Sandy Kirby, Coordinator of Work-Based Learning and Job Placement
Juliann Mathis, Counselor/Coordinator of Disability Support Services
Tana King, Certificate, Testing and Administrative Support Assistant

Financial Aid

Vacant, Director
Tara Cajuste, MBA, Assistant Director
Hope Freeman, BS, Financial Aid Specialist
Joel Nitsch, BS, Financial Aid Specialist
Sheila Lee, AAS, Financial Aid Specialist

High School Programs and Recruitment

Rachel Scruggs, BS, Director of High School Programs and Recruitment
Lisa Sullens, AAS, TVEC and Dual Studies Coordinator
Jan Peterson, AAS, High School Programs Specialist
Vacant, Assistant Director of Admissions
Brandy Granger, AS, Recruiter

Student Engagement and Support

Natalia Williams, Director
Kimberly Allin, Coordinator of Veterans Services
Carolina Roman, Coordinator of Student Engagement

Student Success

Haley Hendrix, Director
Vacant, Assistant Director
Elizabeth Brown, Success Coach
Chad Cameron, Success Coach
Marsha Foster, Success Coach
Eric Harris, Success Coach
Angala Hawn, Success Coach
Rhonda Reynolds, Success Coach

Office of Economic and Community Development

Dr. John Squires, Vice President
Heather Brown, Workforce Development Director
Erika Stuart, Grants Director
Jacob Payne, Student Support Specialist

Adult Education

Angela Cooper, Adult Education Director
Alan Ledford, MEd., BS, Assistant Director of Adult Education
Haley Clark, Student Support Specialist
Stephanie Conservo, Career Coach
Tami Durrigan, BS, AA, Lead Instructor
Vacant, Lead Instructor
Robin Williams, Office Manager


Holly Trotter-Appleton, Communications Director
Andrea Byerly, Manager of Public and Media Relations
Austin Massey, Digital Communications Coordinator

Institutional Research

Vacant, Assistant Director
Melissa Swistek, BA, Institutional Research Coordinator
William Fulford, BS, Data and Research Analyst

Office of Workforce Development

Heather Brown, Director
Bre LaMountain, Project Coordinator
Chelsea Falana, AS, Workforce Specialist

Small Business Development Center

Jennifer DeCook, Director
Vacant, Small Business Specialist

Academic Units

Office of Academic Affairs

Dr. Corey Campbell, Vice President
Charlene Maples, AS, Executive Assistant
Laura Brogden, AS, CPS, Director of Academic Compliance
Vacant, Coordinator of Academic Advising and Transfer Articulation

Business and Healthcare

Sandra Godsey, Dean
Lynn Caswell AS, Division Assistant
Richard Gamble, MS, Department Assistant
Devette Carter, Chair, Allied Health Department and EMT Program Coordinator
Donna Brogdon, Chair, Business Department
Maureen Baksh-Griffin, Nursing Director
Kelly Reed, BSN, Nursing Lab Technician
Vacant, Nursing Simulation Specialist

Humanities, Education and Social Sciences

Dr. Ryan Thompson, Dean
Angela Ruiz, AS, Division Assistant
Kathy Stutzman, Department Assistant
Dr. Brian Gerber, Chair, Education & Social Sciences Department
Jennifer Eble, Chair, English Department
Laurie Rowland, Chair, Humanities Department
Marci Reiter, First Year Experience Coordinator

Law Enforcement Training

Mike Hodges, Assistant Professor/Director
Douglas Towne, Assistant Professor/Assistant Director
Kathy Stutzman, Department Assistant

Library Services

Gina Cash, Director
Katherine Needham, BS, Department Assistant
Vacant, Cataloging and Metadata Librarian
Lori Warren, MIS, Instructional Services Librarian
Slade Scoggins, AS, Library Clerk
Eni Major, BS, Tutoring and Learning Center Coordinator

McMinn Higher Education Center (Athens)

Stefanie West, Director
Jean Moses, Clerical Coordinator
Kimberly Howard, Technical Clerk
Angie St. John, BS, MA, Part-time Distance Learning and Testing Administrator

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

Karen Wyrick, Dean
Shelley Austin, AS, Division Assistant
Alecia Bear, BS, Department Assistant
Dr. James Peters, Chair, Natural Science Department
Rebecca Locke, BS, Lead Teaching Lab Technician
Kimberly Harrington, Chair, Mathematics & Engineering Department
Wendy Haley, BS, Mathematics Laboratory Specialist
Dr. Tim Wilson, Chair, Advanced Technologies Department
Anna McDade, BS,Teaching Lab Technician Chemistry
Matt Pankey, MPH, Teaching Lab Technician Biology (MHEC)

Administration and Faculty

Parentheses indicates year staff member joined Cleveland State.

Alexander, Melodee R. (2017)
Assistant Professor, Psychology
BS 2004, University of Houston Clear Lake - Psychology
MA 2009, University of Houston Clear Lake - Psychology

Allin, Kimberly (2022)
Veterans Services Coordinator
AS 2003, Hawaii Pacific University - Finance & Economics
BSBA 2003, Hawaii Pacific University - Accounting
MBA 2007, Touro University - Business Administration

Amato, Sara (2020)
Instructor, English
BA 2013, Millikin University-English
MA 2016, Eastern Illinois University-English

Aragon, Chris (2021)
Instructor, Computer Information Systems
AAS 2020, Cleveland State Community College-Systems Administration & Management

Augustine, Mathai K. (1996)
Professor, Mathematics/Physics
BS 1977, University of Kerala - Mathematics
MS 1979, University of Kerala - Mathematics
MPh 1986, University of Kerala - Mathematics
PhD 1990, North Carolina State University - Mathematics

Augustine, Molly (2010)
Associate Professor, Mathematics
BS 1986, Gandhiji University - Mathematics
BS 1999, Tennessee Wesleyan College - Business Administration
MS 1988, Mahatma Gandhi University - Statistics

Baksh-Griffin, Maureen A. (2012)
Director, Nursing
BS 1994, City University of New York, Hunter College - Human Communications
BSN 1999, New York University - Nursing
MSN 2012, The University of Tennessee at Knoxville - Nursing

Barkley, Charles B. (2004)
Associate Professor, Technology
BS 1993, Jacksonville State University - Geography

Bledsoe, Jennifer J. (2018)
Assistant Director, Physical Plant
BA 1996, The University of Tennessee at Knoxville - Sociology/Criminal Justice
MA 2019, American Public University System - Emergency and Disaster Management

Brewer Jr., Robert L. (2003)
Associate Professor, Biology
BS 1990, The University of Tennessee at Knoxville - Wildlife and Fisheries
MS 1999, The University of Tennessee at Knoxville - Ecology

Brogden, Laura K. (1995)
Director, Academic Compliance
AS 1995, Cleveland State Community College - General Program
Certificate 1994, Cleveland State Community College - Office Systems Administration
Certified Professional Secretary 2003

Brogdon, Donna M. (2013)
Associate Professor, Business
BS 1981, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - Business Administration
MBA 1993, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - Business Administration

Brown, Elizabeth Ann (2015)
Success Coach
BA 1989, Mississippi University for Women - English Education

Brown, Heather M. (2018)
Director, Workforce Development
AS 2008, Cleveland State Community College - Education
BS 2011, Lee University - Health Education
MS 2021, Austin Peay State University - Leadership

Bryant, Aaron C. (2007)
Associate Professor, Physical Education/Assistant Baseball Coach
BS 2001, Tennessee Wesleyan College - Exercise Science
MA 2003, University of Central Florida - Clinical Exercise Physiology

Byerly, Andrea (2020)
Manager of Public and Media Relations
BA 1989, University of Georgia - Journalism

Cameron, M. Chad (2002)
Success Coach
BS 2002, Lee University - Health Science and Fitness/Wellness
MA 2008, Tennessee Technological University - Education

Campbell, Corey A. (2023)
Vice President, Academic Affairs
BS 2004, University of Florida - Exercise and Sport Medicine
MS 2006, University of Florida - Sport Management
EdD 2014, Nova Southeastern University - Higher Education Leadership; Organizational Leadership

Cannon, Bambi J. (2019)
Assistant Professor, Computer Information Systems/Technology
BS 2002, Lee University - Computer Information Systems
MBA 2019, Lee University - Business

Carmer, Stephen I (2016)
Assistant Professor, Accounting
MA 2014, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - Accountancy
DBA 2019, Walden University - Business Administration

Carroll, Anne A. (2016)
Associate Professor, Sociology
BA 1979, The University of Tennessee at Knoxville - Sociology
MA 2002, The University of Tennessee at Knoxville - Sociology

Carter, Devette J. (2009)
Associate Professor/Program Coordinator, Emergency Medical Technician
AS 1998, Chattanooga State Community College - General Transfer

Cash, Gina (2019)
Director, Library Services
BA 1996, University of Oklahoma - English
MA 1998, University of Oklahoma - English
MLIS 2018, University of Oklahoma - Library and Information Studies

Christiansen, Winona (2021)
Instructor, Early Childhood Education
BA 2016, University of Nebraska - Political Science
MA 2018, East Tennessee State University - Early Childhood Education

Coffin, Bethany J. (2019) 
Assistant Professor, Art
BFA 2005, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville - Art
MFA 2011, New Mexico State University - Art

Cooper, Angela M. (2023)
Program Director, Adult Education
BS 2009, Lee University - Special Education

Crigler, Jacob P. (2019)
Assistant Professor, Biology
BS 2008, The University of Tennessee at Knoxville - Biology
PhD 2018, Middle Tennessee State University - Molecular Biosciences

Dale, Christy M. (2018)
Director, HR Services
BS 2016, Regent University - Business
MBA 2019, Lee University - Business Administration

DeCook, Jennifer J. (2011)
Director, Small Business Development Center
AAS 1992, Bay Area Legal Academy - Court Reporting
BA 2010, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - History
MBA 2015, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - Business

Deyo, Robert E. (2023)
Chief, Campus Police
AS 1985, County College of Morris - Humanities/Social Science
BS 1987, Montclair State College - History
MS 1999, Rutgers University - Public Administration

Dye, M. Edward (2015)
Instructor, Biology
BS 1966, Memphis State University - Biology
DDS 1973, The University of Tennessee at Memphis - Biology

Eble, Jennifer B. (2013)
Associate Professor, English and Learning Support Coordinator
BA 1998, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - English Writing
MA 2010, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - English Rhetoric

Edwards, Gregory A. (2019)
Assistant Professor, Nursing
AAS 2009, Excelsior College - Nursing
BS 2015, Western Governors - Nursing
MS 2017, Western Governors - Nursing Management and Leadership

Foster, Marsha M. (2018)
Executive Director, Organizational Culture and Employee Engagement
BA 1995, Hamilton College - English/Creative Writing
MS 2000, University of New Mexico - Physical Education
MEd 2007, University of West Georgia - School Counseling

Frank, Kellie R. (2021)
Associate Vice President, Human Resources and Compliance
BA 2010, The University of Tennessee at Knoxville - Psychology
MS 2014, Argosy University - Human Resources Management

Frazier, Renae (2024)
Dean, Enrollment Management
AS 1988, Tri-County Technical College - Science
BS 2000, Southern Wesleyan University - Business Administration
MBA 2003, Southern Wesleyan University - Business Administration

Fries, Susie E. (2019)
Assistant Professor, English
BS 2010, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - Psychology
MA 2014, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - English Literature

Fulbright, Julie A. (2001)
Associate Professor, English
BA 1995, Tennessee Wesleyan College - English
MA 1998, Middle Tennessee State University - English

Gerber, Brian J. (2013)
Associate Professor, Speech
BGS 2011, University of Kansas - Communication
MS 2013, Fort Hays State University - Communication
PhD 2020, University of Memphis - Adult Education

Godsey, Sandra D. (2019)
Dean, Business and Healthcare
BA 2005, Bryan College - Business Administration
MBA 2017, Bryan College - Business Administration

Greenwood, Neil V. (1992)
Professor, History
BA 1983, California State University, Fullerton - History
MA 1984, University of California, Los Angeles - History
PhD 1991, University of California, Los Angeles - History

Hardin, Christy L. (2021)
Instructor, Emergency Medical Technology
AAS 2015, Cleveland State Community College-Health Sciences

Harrington, Kimberly M. (2008)
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
BA 2002, Lee University - Mathematics
MA 2017, The University of Tennessee at Knoxville - Mathematics

Harris, Eric J. (2015)
Success Coach
AS 2011, Cleveland State Community College - General Transfer
BS 2013, East Tennessee State University - Mass Communications

Hasting, Jayne H. (2003)
Associate Professor, English
BA 2000, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - English
MA 2001, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - English

Hawn, Angala (2020)
Success Coach
AAS 2017, Cleveland State Community College - Early Childhood Education
BS 2020, Tennessee Wesleyan University - Early Childhood Education

Hayes, Travis (2017)
Assistant Professor, Economics
BA 1989, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - Economics
MBA 1993, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - Business Administration

Hays, Stephen D. (2008)
Associate Professor, Biology
BS 2002, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - Chemistry
MD 2007, East Tennessee State University - Medicine

Hendrix, Haley N. (2016)
Director, Student Success
BS 2011, Jacksonville State University - Communications
MS 2021, Austin Peay State University - Leadership & Organizational Administration

Hodges, Casi (2021)
Executive Assistant to the President
BS 2016, Columbia Southern University-Business Administration
MBA 2021, Columbia Southern University-Business Administration

Hodges, Michael J. (2012)
Assistant Professor/Director, Law Enforcement Training
BA 1997, Maryville College - History
MS 2014, Bethel University - Criminal Justice

Horten, Margaret M. (2009)
Instructor, Early Childhood Education
AS 1982, Chattanooga State Community College - Early Childhood Education
BA 2002, Governor State University - Business Administration
MA 2005, University of Phoenix - Education
MA 2007, University of Phoenix - Early Childhood Education

Howard, Rafael (2014)
Men’s Basketball Coach/Recruiter
BS 1992, Barat College - Psychology

Jaecks, Steven L. (2019)
Women’s Softball Coach/Coordinator of Campus Recreation
BS 1980, Loma Linda University - Physical Education
MEd 1982, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - Secondary Education: Physical Education

Jones, W. Chris (2017)
Instructor, Advanced Manufacturing Technology
AA 1991, Hiwassee College - Physical Education
BA 1993, Maryville College - Recreation

Kilgore, Susette M. (2019)
Instructor, Mathematics
BS 1981, Carson Newman University - Elementary Education
MA 2006, University of Virginia - Mathematics

King, Denice D. (1994)
Associate Professor, Biology
BA 1980, Carson Newman College - Biology
MS 1985, The University of Tennessee at Knoxville - Microbiology

Kirby, Sandy (2018)
Work-Based Learning and Job Placement Coordinator
AAS 2003, Cleveland State Community College-Business Administration
BS 2005, Tennessee Wesleyan College-Business Administration
MS 2017, Western Governors University-Management & Leadership

LaMountain, April Bre (2013)
Project Coordinator, Workforce Development
AS 2002, Chattanooga State Community College - Paralegal Studies
BS 2011, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - Psychology
MS 2013, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - Industrial-Organizational Psychology

Laxton, Chad (2021)
Instructor, Welding
BS 2001, Athens State University - Education

Leamon, Cara D. (2023)
Manager, Business Services
BS 2018, Southern New Hampshire University - Forensic Psychology
MBA 2020, Southern New Hampshire University - Business Administration

Massey, Austin K. (2024)
Digital Communications Coordinator
AS 2019, Chattanooga State Community College - University Parallel
BA 2021, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - Communications

Mathis, Juliann M. (2015)
Counselor/Coordinator of Disability Support Services
AS 1994, Palm Beach Community College - Human Services
BS 2003, Tennessee Wesleyan College - Human Services
MS 2004, The University of Tennessee at Knoxville - Counseling

McCarthy, Desiree N. (2021)
Instructor, Nursing
BSN 2002, Minnesota State University-Nursing
MSN 2013, Walden University-Nursing Education

McChesney, J. Lee (2021)
Director, Advancement
BA 1983, Emory & Henry College-Physical Education

McEwen, Ashley M. (2020)
Instructor, Nursing
BS 2009, Elon University - Exercise Science
BS 2011, East Tennessee State University - Nursing
MS 2015, Western Governors - Nursing Education

Meir, James B. (1996)
Associate Professor, Accounting
BS 1982, Oral Roberts University - Telecommunications
MS 1987, Oklahoma State University - Accounting
Certified Public Accountant

Moon, Wanda K. (2024)
Manager, Accounting Services
BS 1985, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - Accounting

Moseley, Elizabeth J. (2010)
Professor, Psychology
BS 1999, Baptist Bible College - Pre-Counseling
MS 2000, Baptist Bible Graduate School - Counseling
EdD 2006, Argosy University - Counseling

Mowery, Lindsey B. (2008)
Director, Admissions and Records
AAS 2004, Cleveland State Community College - Business and Management
BS 2007, Lee University - Business Administration

Norwood, Verrill M. (2010)
Professor, Chemistry
BA 1980, Holy Cross College - Chemistry
PhD 1985, Utah State University - Chemistry

Oakley, Darrell A. (2016)
Associate Professor, Engineering
BS 1983, Purdue University - Mechanical Engineering
MS 2000, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - Engineering

Pankey, Jana M. (2006)
Associate Professor, Human Services/Social Work
AS 1987, Cleveland State Community College - Criminal Justice
BS 1989, Tennessee Wesleyan College - Human Services
MSSW 1993, The University of Tennessee at Knoxville - Social Work

Patterson, Candice H. (2013)
Associate Professor, Business
BS 1998, Lee University - Business Administration
MA 2005, Lee University - Business Education
EdS 2009, Tennessee Technological University - Instructional Leadership

Peters, James E. (2009)
Professor, Biology
BS 2002, St. Louis University - Biology
BA 2002, St. Louis University - Theology
MS 2006, Southern Illinois University - Biology
EdD 2018, East Tennessee State University - Educational Leadership

Pickell, Barsha L. (2018)
Associate Professor, History/Political Science
BA 1996, Carson Newman University - History
MA 1998, The University of Tennessee at Knoxville - Political Science
PhD 2008, University of Virginia - Government

Policastro, Michael A. (1993)
Director, Athletics and Campus Recreation/Baseball Coach
BS 1983, Tennessee Wesleyan College - Health/Physical Education

Puckett, David Paul (2010)
Associate Professor, Mathematics
AA 1990, Western Piedmont Community College - Pre-Mathematics
BS 1992, Appalachian State University - Mathematics
MS 2001, University of North Carolina - Mathematics

Raburn, Ashley T. (2006)
Director, Enrichment Center
BS 2005, The University of Tennessee at Knoxville - Broadcasting
MS 2010, The University of Tennessee at Knoxville - Instructional Technology/Education Standards

Redmond, Scott A. (2001)
Associate Professor, English
BS 1992, Lee University - Theology
MA 1996, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - English

Reed, Bryan K. (2004)
Associate Professor, History
BA 1991, Lee College - History
MA 1994, East Tennessee State University - History

Reiter, Marci R. (2014)
Associate Professor, Cooperative Education
BS 2003, Eastern Illinois University - Marketing
MA 2009, Webster University - Human Resources Development

Reynolds, Rhonda G. (2022)
Success Coach
BS 1988, University of Connecticut - Design & Resource Management
MPA 2016, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - Public Administration

Reynolds, Sinthea D. (2014)
Vice President, Finance and Operations
BS 2012, Tennessee Wesleyan College - Business Management
MA 2016, Austin Peay State University-Communications
EdD 2022, East Tennessee State University - Educational Leadership

Roman, Maria Carolina (2020)
Coordinator, Student Engagement
AS 2016, Cleveland State Community College - General Transfer
BA 2021, Lee University - Spanish

Rowland, Laurie A. (2015)
Associate Professor, Speech
BA 1998, Berea College-History
MEd 2009, Strayer University - Educational Management

Santos, Wendy J. (2015)
Associate Professor, Emergency Medical Technician
AAS 2006, Chattanooga State Community College - Nursing
BSN 2018, East Tennessee State University - Nursing

Schaffner, Matt (2020)
Instructor, Music
BA 1996, University of Louisville - Music
MM 2000, Louisiana State University - Music Composition

Scruggs, Rachel G. (2018)
Director, High School Programs and Recruitment
BS 2014, William Carey University - Psychology

Shiveley, Holly L. (2011)
Associate Professor, Speech
BA 1997, Bob Jones University - Interpretive Speech
MA 1999, Bob Jones University - Interpretive Speech

Squires, John C. (2021)
Vice President, Economic and Community Development
BS 1986, Iowa State University - Economics
MA 1989, Drake University - Teaching
MS 1997, The University of Tennessee at Knoxville - Mathematics
PhD 2018, University of the Cumberlands - Leadership

Still, Vickie L. (2012)
Assistant Professor, Nursing
AAS 1994, Cleveland State Community College - Nursing
BSN 2015, East Tennessee State University - Nursing
MS 2017, Tennessee Technological University - Nursing

Stoody, Rick L. (2019)
Assistant Professor, Philosophy
BS 2005, California State University - Biochemistry
MA 2008, Biola University - Philosophy of Religion and Ethics
PhD 2015, University of California Santa Barbara - Philosophy

Swafford, Stacey A. (2019)
Coordinator of Campus Events
BS 2002, Crichton College - Business Management

Taylor, Timothy Jason (2020)
Instructor, Technology
BA 2009, Tennessee Wesleyan University - Criminal Justice

Thomas, Willie R. (2019)
Vice President, Student Affairs
AS 2000, Chattanooga State - General Transfer
BA 2003, Morehouse College - Music
MS 2011, Kennesaw State University - Conflict Resolution
EdD 2022, East Tennessee State University - Educational Leadership

Thompson, Ryan K. (2006)
Dean of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
BA 1997, Brigham Young University - History
MA 2000, University of Connecticut - History
PhD 2013, University of Delaware - History

Towne, Douglas M. (2019)
Assistant Professor/Assistant Director of Law Enforcement Training
BS 1992, Tennessee Temple University - Secondary Education
1997, Cleveland State Community College - Law Enforcement Training Academy

Trotter-Appleton, Holly M. (2002)
Communications Director
AS 1997, Cleveland State Community College - Arts and Sciences
BS 1999, Tennessee Technological University - English/ Journalism
MA 2003, Tennessee Technological University - Education
Certified Administrative Professional 2018

Van Hassent, JT (2023)
Director, Physical Plant
BS 1976, Westminster College - Biology

Ware, Michael S. (2013)
Associate Professor, Emergency Medical Technician
BS 2006, Tusculum College - Organizational Management
MA 2008, Bryan College - Business Administration

Warren, Lori K. (2023)
Instructional Services Librarian
BFA 1987, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - Graphic Design
BS 1992, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - Early Childhood and Elementary Education
MIS 2003, The University of Tennessee at Knoxville - Information Science

West, Stefanie R. (2015)
Director, McMinn Higher Education Center (Athens)
BBA 1995, Tennessee Wesleyan College - Business Administration
MBA 2016, Tennessee Wesleyan University - Management

White, Andrew W. (2024)
BA 1986, The University of Tennessee - Political Science
MS 1990, Central Michigan University - Public Administration
EdD 1995, University of Southern California - Educational Leadership

Williams, Natalia D. (2000)
Director, Student Engagement and Support
BS 1995, Middle Tennessee State University - Child Development and Family Services
MEd 1999, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga - Guidance and Counseling

Wilson, Mark R. (1993)
Director, Counseling, Testing and Career Services
BS 1987, Tennessee Technological University - Psychology
MA 1988, Tennessee Technological University - Educational Psychology and Counselor Education
National Certified Counselor (NCC)

Wilson, Timothy N. (2015)
Associate Professor, Advanced Technologies
BS 2008, Bryan College - Organizational Management
MA 2011, Tennessee Technological University - Instructional Leadership
EdS 2013, Tennessee Technological University - Curriculum and Instruction
EdD 2017, East Tennessee State University - Educational Leadership

Wyrick, Karen S. (1992)
Dean of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
AS 1988, Roane State Community College - Mathematics
BS 1990, Middle Tennessee State University - Mathematics and Computer Science
MS 1992, Middle Tennessee State University - Mathematics


Emeritus status is an honor bestowed upon an individual with a minimum of 10 years service at retirement for distinguished service to the college. Emeritus status is granted by the president of the institution. President emeritus status is granted by the Tennessee Board of Regents upon recommendation of the chancellor. Those receiving emeritus status are entitled to a number of privileges and benefits accorded by the institution.

Date in parentheses denotes year emeritus status conferred.

Adams, Ozane R. †1927-2018 (1996)
Served as Professor of Health and Physical Education, 1967-1996.

Adcock, Ken R. †1941-2021 (2014)
Served as Professor in Business and Marketing, 2005-2012; Associate Professor, 2000-2005; Assistant Professor, 1998-2000; Instructor, 1995-1998.

Adkisson, David F. †1912-1993 (1978)
President Emeritus (1978)
Founding President, 1967-1978.

Banta, F. Dean †1914-2006 (1978)
Served as Head of the Education, Psychology and HPER Department, 1973-1978; Dean of Instruction, 1967-1973.

Barker, Mary T. †1927-2018 (1992)
Served as Dean of Academic Affairs, 1988-1992; Interim Dean of Academic Affairs, 1987-1988; Director of Institutional Planning and Research, 1984-1987; Associate Dean for Arts and Sciences, 1978-1984; Head of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1977-1978; Head of Humanities, 1973-1977; Professor of English, 1968-1984.

Basham, Renate G. †1940-2015 (2001)
Served as Executive Vice President and Dean of the Faculty, 1994-2001; Interim President, 1996; Dean of Academic Affairs, 1992-1994; Professor in Humanities and Social Sciences, 1988-1992; Associate Professor, 1981- 1988; Head of Humanities, 1978-1984; Assistant Professor, 1971-1981; Instructor of German, 1968-1971.

Belk, Carole A. (2008)
Served as Purchasing Agent, 1987-2006; Office Manager, 1984-1987; Account Clerk 2, 1980-1984; Accounting Technician, 1979-1980; Clerk 2, 1978-1979; Clerk, 1977-1978.

Bishop, Patricia K. †1950-2015 (2011)
Served as Associate Professor of Psychology, 2005-2009; Assistant Professor, 1980-1985; Instructor, 1973-1980. Adjunct Faculty 1990, 1993-94, 1996, 1998, 2003-04, 2010.

Boles, Thomas R. †1923-2004 (1985)
Served as Associate Professor of Music, 1967-1985.

Boyd, Nancy D. (2007)
Served as Associate Professor of Office Administration, 1977-2006; Chair, Business Department, 1995-2001; Assistant Professor, 1971-1977; Coordinator, Business Career Programs, 1974-1976; Instructor, 1968-1971; Adjunct Instructor 2006-2008.

Boynton, Paul C. (1982)
Served as Counselor of Student Personnel, 1968-1982.

Bradley, John M. †1944-2009 (2005)
Served as Associate Professor of Speech and English, 1976-1999; Assistant Professor, 1970-1976; Instructor, 1967-1970; Adjunct Instructor, 2000-2004.

Cantrell, John W. †1942-2017 (2009)
Served as Associate Professor of Technology, 1978-2008; Assistant Professor, 1974-1978; Instructor, 1971-1974; Adjunct Instructor, 1990-2005.

Caruth, Janet S. †1946-2017 (2011)
Served as Librarian, 1975-2010; Instructor/Library, 1974-1975.

Chumley, Jere L. (2004)
Served as Associate Professor of Art, 1967-2003; Coordinator of the Art Department, 1974-2003; Adjunct Instructor, 2004-2005.

Cigliano, James M. †1939-2023 (2007)
Served as Vice President for Student Services, 1994-2005; Dean of Student Affairs, 1987-1994; Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, 1984-1987; Associate Dean of Student Affairs, 1981-1984; Dean of Student Personnel Services, 1976-1981; Athletic Director, 1978-1996; Director of Admissions and Records and Financial Aid, 1974-1976; Director of Admissions and Records, 1967-1974; Post-retirement Commissioner of Tennessee Community College Athletic Association, 2009-Present; Post-retirement assistant with fund-raising and game administration, 2005-2006; Inducted into the Tennessee Junior and Community College Athletic Association Hall of Fame, 2001.

Clark, Marvin W. (Bill) (2011)
Served as Computer Operations Specialist, 1994-2010; Media Technician 1979-1994; Technician-Media Center, 1976-1979; Media Center Paraprofessional, 1975-1976. Interim Director of Instructional Computer Technology, 1998; Adjunct Faculty, 1996-1998, 2001.

Coleman, A. Ray †1926-2015 (1988)
Served as Interim President, 1985; Dean of Administrative Services, 1987-1988, 1974-1981; Assistant to the President, 1986-1987, 1981-1985; Director of Research/ Director of Continuing Education, 1971-1974.

Crockett, Jean M. (2015)
Served as Associate Professor of English, 2005-2013; Assistant Professor, 1998-2005; Instructor, Remedial/Developmental English, 1993-1998.

Culbreth, B. Spencer (1988)
Served as Vice President for Academic Affairs, 2005-2008; Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences Division, 1994-2005; Assistant Dean of Humanities, 1984-1994; Chair, Humanities Department, 1978-1984; Professor of History, 1982-1994; Associate Professor of History, 1978-1982; Assistant Professor of History, 1974-1978; Instructor of History, 1971-1974.

Darcey, Helen D. †1947-2019 (2011)
Served as Associate Professor of Mathematics, 1987-2009; Assistant Professor, 1983-1987; Instructor, 1979-1983; Adjunct Instructor, 1990-2004.

Davis, Norma L. (2003)
Served as Stenographer, 1967-1979; Clerk - Typist, 1979-1985; Secretary to the Dean of Student Affairs, 1985-1988; Secretary for Athletics/Student Activities, 1988-2002.

Dean, Harry N. †1941-2008 (2004)
Served as Associate Professor of English, 1971-2003; Assistant Professor of English, 1974-1976; Instructor of English, 1971-1974.

Dorset, Michael A. (2009)
Served as Associate Professor of Biology, 1976-2008; Assistant Professor, 1971-1976; Instructor, 1968-1971; Adjunct Instructor, 1990-Present.

Eiswerth, Elizabeth L. (1999)
Served as Director of Nursing, 1996-1999; Associate Professor of Nursing, 1977-1996.

Ellis, Brenda K. (2011)
Served as Publications Coordinator Marketing Department, 2000-2009; Printing Services Supervisor Print Shop, 1990-2000; Secretary to Business Manager, 1977-1990; Accounting Clerk, 1974-1977; Cashier, 1974.

Fillers, Marilyn D. † 1935-2013 (2003)
Served as Associate Professor of English, 1989-2003 and 1976-1987; Associate Professor and Coordinator of Developmental Studies, 1987-1989; Assistant Professor of English, 1971-1976; Instructor of English, 1968-1971

Fox, Tony C. (2019)
Served as Maintenance Custodial Supervisor, 2014-2018; Custodial Foreman, 2006-2014; Custodian, 1981-2006.

Geren, Don M. † 1938-2018 (2010)
Served as Director, Small Business Development Center, 1990-2000; Administrative Coordinator, JTPA, 1988-1990; Job Development Coordinator, JTPA, 1986-1988; Adjunct Instructor, 1975-1998.

Goslen, Alan H. (2011)
Served as Librarian, 1997-2010.

Guest, Joe W. †1925-2010 (1992)
Served as Associate Professor of Mathematics, 1967-1992.

Guy, Buford M. Jr. †1941-1999 (2000)
Served as Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy, 1968-1999.

Hales, Sheila A. (2015)
Served as Associate Professor of Nursing, 1984-2011; Assistant Professor, 1981-1984; Adjunct Instructor, 2011-2014.

Herrig, Nancy (2020)
Served as Center of Emphasis Coordinator, 1988-1989; Nursing Instructor 1989-2010; Assistant Professor of Nursing, 2010-2013; Associate Professor of Nursing, 2013-2017; Adjunct Instructor, 2017, 2019-2020.

Hight, Americus V. (2017)
Served as Associate Professor, Nursing, 2011-2015; Assistant Professor, 2008-2010; Instructor, 2003-2007.

Hite, Carl M. (2013)
Served as President, 1996-2013.

Johnson, John H. †1930-2012 (1996)
Served as Associate Professor of Business, 1976-1996.

Johnson, Kathryn W. †1947-1999 (2000)
Served as Assistant Professor of Biology, 1970-1999.

Lane, L. Quentin †1934-2023 (1985)
President Emeritus
Served as President, 1978-1985; Dean of Instruction, 1973-1978; Director of Institutional Research, 1971-1973.

Lee, Glenna †1935-2014 (2009)
Served as Associate Professor of Nursing, 1991-2003; Assistant Professor, 1985-1991; Instructor, 1982-1985.

Lillard, Roy G. †1913-1991 (1978)
Served as Head of Social Science, Business and Education Department, 1967-1976.

Lynn, Mary Evelyn (2014)
Served as Director of Library and Media Services, 1999-2012.

Martel, Sue H. †1924-2017 (2000)
Served as Assistant Professor of Psychology, 1972-2000.

Mathai, Thottakara P. †1930-2019 (2000)
Served as Professor of Chemistry 1968-2000; Chair, Natural Sciences Department, 1997-2000; Adjunct Instructor, 2001-2003.

Mathis, George L. †1916-2000 (1976)
Served as Dean of Students, 1967-1976.

McCaskill, Barry S. †1949-2003 (2004)
Served as Associate Professor of Technology, 1978-2003; Chair of the Technology Department, 1997-2003; Co-Interim Dean of the Division of Business and Technology, 2001-2002; Business, Industry and Government Specialist, Fall 2003.

McCoin, Ann Y. (2004)
Served as Professor of Criminal Justice, 1974-2001; Coordinator of Legal Assistant Program, 1981-2001; Adjunct Instructor, 2002-2003.

McKenzie, Frank C. (2010)
Served as Dean, Business and Technology Division, 1994-2008; Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs, 2001-2002; Professor and Assistant Dean, Business and Economics Division, 1984-1994; Associate Professor and Chair, Business Careers Department, 1981-1984; Assistant Professor and Chair, Business Careers Department, 1978-1981; Instructor, Manufacturing Technology, 1976-1978; Adjunct Instructor, 2003-2004, 2008-2009.

McNeely, Curtis R. (2012)
Served as Systems Manager, Office of Information Technology, 1998-2009; Computer Programmer/Analyst, 1989-1998; Computer Programmer 2, 1983-1989; Computer Programmer, 1979-1983; Computer Operator, 1977-1979.

Miller, Sherry (2011)
Served as Executive Secretary, Student Services, 2002-2010; Secretary 3, 1998-2002; Secretary 2, Mathematics and Science Division, 1986-1988; Account Clerk, Business Office, 1985-1986.

Millsaps, Irene P. †1929-2005 (1993)
Served as Assistant Dean of Physical Sciences and Technologies, 1969-1990; Professor of Mathematics, 1967-1990.

Moore, Nancy K. (2015)
Served as Associate Professor of Nursing, 1984-2011; Assistant Professor, 1981-1984; Adjunct Instructor, 2011-2014.

Nichols, Alex W. †1933-1996 (1995)
Served as Associate Professor, Computer and Information Systems, 1969-1994; Head of Computer Services Center, 1972-1977.

Norton, Judy S. (2019)
Served as Associate Professor of Nursing, 2007-2018; Department Chair/Coordinator, 2016-2017; Assistant Professor, 2005-2007; Instructor, 2000-2005; Adjunct Instructor, 2018.

Ownby, Mitzi I. (2001)
Served as Account Clerk, 1972-1975; Executive Secretary to the President, 1975-1984; Secretary to the Executive Vice President, 1984-2001; Part-time Clerk-Typist, 2001-2002.

Parks, Geraldine (2011)
Served as Director, Financial Aid, 1994-2010; Financial Aid Officer, 1989-1994; Assistant Coordinator of Financial Aid, 1987-1989.

Pritchett, Josephine †1910-1994 (1976)
Served as Head of Office Careers Department, 1967-1976.

Reiser, Matthew H. †1920-1999 (1993)
Served as Head of the Technology Division, 1969-1984; Professor of Technical Education, 1969-1989.

Rowlee, Edwin W. †1941-2010 (2011)
Served as Associate Professor, Chemistry, 1976-2009; Assistant Professor, 1972-1976; Instructor, 1969-1972; Adjunct Instructor 1990, 1993-94, 1996, 2003-04.

Sesler, Mason B. †1923-2013 (1993)
Served as Associate Professor of Electronics 1975-1989.

Speight, D. Larry (2008)
Served as Associate Professor of Biology, 1976-2006; Assistant Professor of Biology, 1971-1976; Instructor of Biology, 1968-1971.

Stubbs, James M. †1917-2002 (1982)
Served as Head of Criminal Justice and Legal Assistant Departments, 1971-1979; Personnel/Affirmative Action Officer, 1974-1982.

Taylor, Jerome G. †1942-2024 (2004)
Served as Professor of History and Political Science, 1968-2003; Chair of Social Science Department, 1997-2003; Adjunct Instructor, 2003-2004.

Trewhitt, Katharine A. †1912-1999 (1987)
Served as Associate Professor of English, 1969-1978; Adjunct Instructor, 1978-1990.

Vroman, Hugh E. (1991)
Served as Professor of Biology, 1976-1990; Adjunct Instructor, 1990-2000.

Watts, David E. (2008)
Served as Assistant Vice President for Planning and Effectiveness, 2001-2005; Dean of Planning and Computer Technology and Director of Institutional Planning, Research and Effectiveness, 1996-2001; Dean of Planning and Computer Technology, 1995-1996; Director of Institutional Planning and Research, 1989-1995; Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, 1980-1989; Assistant to the Dean of Academic Affairs, 1976-1980; Associate Professor of Biology, 1975-1980; Assistant Professor, 1971-1975; Instructor, 1971. Post-retirement appointment in Institutional Planning and Effectiveness, 2005-2006.

Watts, Judy C. (2008)
Served as Associate Professor of Biology, 2005; Assistant Professor of Biology, 1976-2005; Instructor of Biology, 1972-1976; Adjunct Instructor, 2005-2007.

Wheeler, Charles E. (2011)
Served as Dean, Mathematics and Science Division, 1994-2010; Assistant Dean, 1990-1994; Professor, Physics and Mathematics, 1983-1990; Associate Professor, 1980-1983; Assistant Professor, 1977-1980; Instructor, 1976-1977; Adjunct Instructor, 2010.

Wilson, Patricia L. (1999)
Served as Associate Professor of Nursing, 1972-1999.

Witt, Sherra A. (2015)
Served as Dean, Business and Technology Division, 2010-2014; Interim Co-Dean, 2008-2010; Department Chair, Business, 2002-2010; Interim Dean, Business and Technology Division, 2008; Associate Professor, Business, 1983-2010; Assistant Professor, Business Careers, 1980-1983; Instructor, Secretarial Science/Office Careers, 1977-1980.

Wood, Fred A. †1945-2022 (2015)
Served as Interim Dean, Humanities and Social Sciences Division, 2005-2013; Department Chair, English, 2002-2005; Associate Professor of English, 1978-2005; Assistant Professor, 1973-1978; Instructor, 1971-1973.

Yates, L. Dale (2014)
Served as Associate Professor of Computers and Information Systems, 1996-2012; Associate Professor of Accounting, 1979-1996; Assistant Professor, 1974-1979.