This program is provided for students who plan to earn an associate of science degree and transfer to a senior institution to earn a bachelor of science degree in most fields of engineering.
The following curriculum guide reflects core graduation requirements but does not provide the transfer student with prerequisites for junior level courses. Please consult the footnotes1 and a pre-engineering advisor.
Summary of Required Hours
1ERG 2010 is required for all bachelor of science degrees in engineering.
2Both CHEM 1110 and 1120 are required at UTK and TTU.
3PHYS 2120/2121 will substitute for CHEM 1120/1121 for UTC.
4MATH 1915 and MATH 1925 are required for UTC and recommended for UTK and TTU.
5PHYS 2120/2121 is also required for most bachelor of science degrees in engineering.
6MATH 2010 is required/recommended for most bachelor of science degrees in engineering.
7PHYS 2610/2610 is required for most bachelor of science degrees in engineering.
8CHEM 2010 will substitute for PHYS 2720 for chemical engineering concentrations.
9Students who seek an associate of arts or associate of science degree should take the history sequence required by the senior institution. To transfer to a TBR university, students should take a six-hour sequence in American History. One course in Tennessee History may be substituted for one course in American History. To transfer to a UT system institution, students should refer to the articulation agreement with that particular college.
10At least one literature course is required.