Sep 09, 2024  
2010-2011 Catalog & Student Handbook 
2010-2011 Catalog & Student Handbook [ARCHIVED]

2010-2011 Catalog & Student Handbook

We’re pleased that you are considering Cleveland State as a first step in your higher education career. Featured on the cover and inside pages of this catalog are alumni that took advantage of the benefits that Cleveland State provides. Benefits like small classroom sizes, personal attention, convenient location and a quality education at a reasonable cost are all cited as reasons why they chose to attend Cleveland State, before they moved on to a four-year institution. I urge you to read their stories as you begin to make decisions about your future.

Student learning and student involvement is a major component here at the college. This year marks our fifth and last year of our five-year Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) that focuses strictly on student involvement being a key to learning. The mission of the QEP is to enhance student learning through student involvement activities, to document changes in learning outcomes and to focus the institution on the concept that improving student involvement enhances student learning. I am extremely proud of the continuing commitment and hard work that the faculty and staff have put toward this plan to help engage our students. After all, students and their success are the heart of this mission.

If you have decided to attend Cleveland State, we welcome you to the college. We are here to make sure your experience at Cleveland State will be rewarding and enjoyable.


Dr. Carl Hite