Mar 03, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED]

Agriculture-Plant and Soil Science Emphasis: University Parallel (TTP)

This emphasis is designed for students wanting to prepare for transfer to a university level Agriculture Program in Plant and Soil Science.

Summary of Required Hours

Fall Credit Hours
AGRI 1030 - Introduction to Plant Science   3
1BIOL 1110 - General Biology I   4
ENGL 1010 - English Composition I   3
GEN 1010 - First Year Seminar   3
MATH 1530 - Introductory Statistics   3
AGRI 1020 - Introduction to Animal Science   3
1BIOL 1120 - General Biology II   4
ECON 2100 - Principles of Macroeconomics  or ECON 2200 - Principles of Microeconomics   3
ENGL 1020 - English Composition II   3
2History 3
CHEM 1110 - General Chemistry I   4
2History 3
3Humanities/Fine Arts 3
Humanities/Fine Arts (Literature) 3
AGRI 1050 - Soil Science   4
CHEM 1120 - General Chemistry II   4
COMM 2025 - Fundamentals of Communication   3
3Humanities/Fine Arts 3
4Social/Behavioral Science 3
Total 62

1Students planning to transfer to UT Knoxville may substitute BIOL 1010 - Introduction to Biology  and BIOL 1020 - Diversity of Life .

2Students who seek an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree should take the history sequence required by the senior institution.

3Students should refer to the transfer university to verify the requirements. Students planning to transfer to UT Knoxville, are recommended to take MUS 1030 - Introduction to Music  and RELS 2020 - Religions of the World .

4Students should refer to the transfer university to verify requirements. It is recommended that ECON 2100 - Principles of Macroeconomics  be taken in addition to ECON 2200 - Principles of Microeconomics .