Mar 03, 2025
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED]
Veterinary Assistant Emphasis: University Parallel, A.S.
This emphasis is provided for students who are interested in working in the field of veterinary care in the capacity of assistants to a doctor of veterinary medicine or for students who are planning to pursue study/work in other areas of animal health care.
The curriculum is designed to cover basic courses in agriculture, animal science, biology, chemistry and microbiology, as well as courses in humanities and social sciences. This program also requires work experience in a veterinary office setting.
This emphasis is designed to prepare a student for immediate employment as a veterinary assistant or for transfer into a four-year degree program. It will also allow a student to maintain the career flexibility in a variety of agriculture-related bachelor degree programs.
Summary of Required Hours
1Students who seek an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree should take the history sequence required by the senior institution.