Feb 14, 2025  
2012-2013 Catalog & Student Handbook 
2012-2013 Catalog & Student Handbook [ARCHIVED]

Student Handbook

The Student Handbook, issued by the Office of Student Services, is published as the college’s notification of regulations that affect student life. While every effort is made to provide current and accurate information, these regulations are subect to change at any time by Cleveland State Community College and the Tennessee Board of Regents.

Student Services

Student Support Services

The Office of Student Services coordinates many services designed to provide assistance to students and groups with matters affecting student well-being and out-of-class life. In addition, the Vice President and other staff members work with academic offices to aid in the development of academic programs to help meet the total needs of the students.

Academic Honor Society

Cleveland State Community College has an active chapter of Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society of Two-Year Colleges. The society seeks to promote scholarship, develop leadership and service and cultivate fellowship on campus and in the community. Membership in the Cleveland State Community College Chapter, Omega Omicron, is by invitation to students on the basis of academic achievement.


The ACCESS Center, located in room 118 of the Student Center Building, has a multiple services and resources designed to enhance student success. See the following sections for details: Advising, Career Services, Counseling, Disability Services, Early Alert, Job Placement, New Student Orientation, RODP Campus Contact, Student Diversity Programs, Transfer Information, Tutoring/Smarthinking, WIA/TAA Services.


All students are encouraged to speak with an advisor prior to registering for classes. New students see an advisor as part of the New Student Orientation program. Currently attending students are assigned a faculty advisor from their chosen area of study. Students can find the name of their assigned advisor in the “My Account” tab in CougarNet. Students who are undecided majors or classified as “non-degree” are encouraged to see a counselor in the ACCESS Center. The Coordinator of Advising Services is housed in the ACCESS Center and assists the college in activities such as advisor training and evaluation of advising processes.

Career Services

Career planning resources are available in the ACCESS Center. Students can meet with a career counselor, take a variety of career assessments, and explore occupational information. Additionally, students can receive help with writing a resume or use the Job Board to find part-time or full-time job opportunities.


The ACCESS Center serves as a place where students experiencing personal difficulties can speak with a counselor and be referred to appropriate local community agencies. ACCESS Center counselors provide personal development programs, mental health awareness programs and immediate crisis management, but do not provide professional counseling/therapy services.

Disability Services

Students who have appropriate documentation of a physical, mental or learning disability are encouraged to contact the Coordinator of Disability Support Services located in the ACCESS Center to request reasonable accommodations. The Coordinator will explain appropriate documentation and provide consent forms. Students must submit all accommodation requests in writing.

Early Alert

The ACCESS Center coordinates an academic Early Alert program which is designed to facilitate communication between students and instructors. Twice a semester, instructors may use the system to email students about any academic issues and make recommendations for improvement. Additionally, designated staff members contact identified students to make them aware of support services.

Job Placement

The ACCESS Center manages an online Job Board system that allows currently enrolled students and graduates to search for part-time and full-time employment opportunities. The system may also be used to create resumes/portfolios and enhance other job search skills. The system is available at www.collegecentral.com/clevelandstatecc.

New Student Orientation

The ACCESS Center coordinates orientation activities for new students. Students entering college for the first time complete a self-paced online orientation that covers important topics such as academic information, policies/procedures, and campus resources. The online orientation ends with the student choosing a date to attend a face-to-face Advising & Registration session where they meet with an advisor and register for classes.

Regents Online Degree Program (RODP) Campus Contact

Students who have questions or encounter any issues related to taking RODP courses may contact the RODP Campus Contact located in the ACCESS Center.

Student Diversity Programs

Several events and programs are conducted throughout the year to increase awareness of cultural diversity. The Coordinator of Student Diversity Programs works in the ACCESS Center and serves as a link to college and community resources.

Trade Adjustment Act (TAA)

Dislocated workers who have been approved by the Tennessee Career Centers for training/educational assistance are referred to the WIA/TAA Coordinator who is located in the ACCESS Center. The coordinator initiates contracts, makes referrals to support services, and monitors/reports progress.

Transfer Information

The ACCESS Center houses information from several local and regional colleges and universities for students planning to transfer. Students have several opportunities to speak with transfer representatives during scheduled individual institution visits or by attending our transfer fairs in the fall and spring.

Tutoring Services

Help is available from several sources for students who need assistance in their classes. Any student who is having difficulty in a class should always talk first with the instructor of the class to find out about instructor office hours and how the instructor may assist the student during those times. Also, many course texts have CD, web site references, or other electronic helps available.

Counselors in the ACCESS Center are available to assist students with issues such as time management, note taking, test anxiety/test taking, and other general academic success skills.


A 24-hour online tutoring program is available to help Cleveland State students suceed in their coursework. Smarthinking is located under the academics tab on your CougarNet account.

This service is available seven days a week with tutors in many academic areas. For additional information contact the ACCESS Center at (423) 478-6217.

Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

Dislocated workers who have been approved by the Tennessee Career Centers for training/educational assistance are referred to the WIA/TAA Coordinator who is located in the ACCESS Center. The coordinator initiates contracts, makes referrals to support services, and monitors/reports progress.

Testing Center

Testing and assessment services for the college are provided through the Testing Center. Staff members are responsible for the ACT WorkKeys, COMPASS, HESI, GED, and graduation exit exam programs. Please contact the Testing Center located in Room 118-116 of the George L. Mathis Student Center or phone (423) 473-2372 for more information.

During the academic semester, the Testing Center also provides course-related testing services for Cleveland State students and faculty. Individual make-up exams, independent study exams, Video/Internet course exams, RODP proctored exams and special accommodation tests are administered by testing staff. Hours of operation are posted in the Testing Center and online. Testing during college breaks and when classes are not in session is available by appointment. For more information, contact the Testing Services at (423) 473-2372 or (800) 604-2722. Testing services are also available in Athens. Contact the Athens site for more information (423) 745-8486.

ACT WorkKeys Services

The college is an authorized WorkKeys provider offering the full range of assessments. Through the ACT WorkKeys Service, the college provides assessment and targeted instruction for prospective and current employees. The assessments determine an individual’s job skill level for comparison to required job skills. Targeted instruction of the college addresses the gaps that exist between the applicant’s or employee’s skill levels as determined through assessment and the skills required for a specific job. Cleveland State is also a participant in the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) program. Call the Testing Center for scheduling information (423) 473-2372.


Cleveland State Community College is a member of the National Junior College Athletic Association and the Tennessee Community College Athletic Association and maintains a strong program of intercollegiate sports. Recognition has included state and regional championships and national rankings. Team sports of baseball, men’s and women’s basketball and women’s softball are available. NJCAA player eligibility standards apply.

ATM Services

An ATM machine is located in the George L. Mathis Student Center just outside the cafeteria entrance.


The Bookstore, located in the George L. Mathis Student Center, is open during the Fall and Spring Semesters 8:00 am-4:00 pm Monday through Thursday and 8:00 am-2:00 pm on Fridays. Special Summer hours are 8:00 am-2:00 pm Monday through Thursday and 8:00 am-12:00 pm on Fridays. They are open for extended hours during the first weeks of claseses each semester. In addition to providing sales of textbooks, instructional manuals and materials for college courses, the Bookstore offers class ring sales, Textbook rentals and buy-back of used textbooks.

Food Services

The Cafeteria, located in the George L. Mathis Student Center, is open during the Fall and Spring Semesters 7:30 am-2:00 pm Monday through Friday. They serve a full breakfast and lunch menu. In addition to providing food services, they manage all campus vending and catering services.

Campus Identification Cards

All students required to have an ID Card. ID’s are made in the Fitness Center located in the gym and at the Athen’s site. The I.D. card is required to utilize the services of the Library, labs, Fitness Center and Bookstore. It also allows students to attend all college-sponsored student activities and athletic events at no charge. While on campus students/employees are expected to have I.D. card on their person. There is a $5 replacement fee for additional cards.

Campus Tours

Campus tours are available to anyone interested in attending Cleveland State. Tours include a general information session with a college counselor and a tour of the campus conducted by a student tour guide. When scheduled in advance, tours can also include an advisement session with a counselor or faculty member in the student’s field of study, as well as appointments with various departments on campus, such as admissions or financial aid. Tours are scheduled on Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s at 10:30 am and 1:30 pm or on Friday’s at 10:30 am. To schedule a campus tour, call (423) 614-8734 or (800) 604-2722, Ext. 734.

Clubs and Organizations

Campus organizations provide opportunities for students to gain valuable leadership experience through recreational activities, educational programs and service projects. Interested students may identify with one or more organizations which meet their special interests. A current list of organizations, information concerning organizations and instructions on the formation of a new group are available in the Student Activities Office located in the Student Center in Room 110D.

Clubs and organizations at Cleveland State Community College include: ACS Alchemists Association, Anatomy Society, Baptist Collegiate Ministries, CSCC Drama Club, “The Cherokee Signal” (student newspaper), Early Childhood Education Club, CSCC Fishing Team, Intramural Sports, Medical Assistant Student Association, Phi Theta Kappa (Omega Omicron Chapter), Social Work Club, Spanish Club, Student Art League, Student Hosts, Student Nurses’ Association, Student Senate and Vocal Rhapsody.

Cooperative Education

The Cooperative Education program integrates classroom theory with practical work experience. This program provides students with the opportunity to bridge their academic preparation with on-the-job work experiences.

Classes are available to help students develop job search and work ethic skills (CPE 1011 and 1012). Students also have the opportunity to develop transitional workplace skills through non-major related work placements (CPE 1015 and 2000) and to increase expertise and skills in their career field through a major-related work or volunteer placement (CPE 1010, 1020, 2010 and 2020).

For information about these courses or for help identifying a co-op placement, call (423) 614- 8718 or (800) 604-2722, Ext. 718, or stop by the Cooperative Education Office in the Career Education Building, Room 106C. E-mail inquiries can be sent to coopeducation@clevelandstatecc.edu. Additional information and answers to frequently asked questions can be obtained from the college’s website.


Cleveland State Community College is committed to providing students with the opportunity for experiential learning through community service activities during their collegiate experience. A number of courses in various disciplines at the college now incorporate service-learning activities, providing students with an opportunity to connect what they are learning in the classroom with service in the community.

In addition, the college has introduced new service learning courses that students may select to take for elective credit. SLE 2400 and 2500 are 3-credit hour courses requiring 50 hours of service for the semester and SLE 2410, 2420 and 2430 are 1-credit hour classes requiring 20 hours of service. All SLE classes are independent study courses and involve monthly reflection seminars, online discussions and reflection journals. Students may elect to work with an agency in their own community or may want to address a community need by developing their own service project.

Service opportunities are structured to help students acquire a sense of civic and social resposibility, learn about their community, apply classroom learning, expand critical thinking and problem solving skills, and reflect on their experiences. At the same time, the college hopes that the service of student volunteers will assist with many needs of our community and students will chose to continue serving their communities long after their college years.

Evening Hours Services for Students

To better serve our evening students, the following offices are open on a regular basis Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. during the fall, spring and summer semesters.

  • Admissions and Records
  • Business Office (Window Only)
  • Financial Aid
  • Library (Additional Evening and Saturday hours available)
  • ACCESS Center
  • Switchboard

Fitness Center

Students have the opportunity to benefit from a variety of activities and programs devoted to healthful living through the CSCC Fitness Center.

The CSCC Fitness Center is open Monday through Thursday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm and Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. There are both cardiovascular and weight training equipment available. Basketballs and tennis equipment are also available for checkout. Students may take Independent Study fitness courses (PHED 1610, 1611) for physical education activity credit.

The Fitness Center is available free to all students, faculty and staff. Community memberships are available to non-students and non-employees for a fee of $15/ month, $50/semester or $125/year. For more information about the CSCC Fitness Center, contact the Fitness Coordinator in Room 109 of the L. Quentin Lane Gymnasium or call (423) 614-8712.

Insurance–Health and Accident

A non-compulsory health and accident policy which will provide protection for students at a low rate is available. This group insurance is offered as a service to students. Policy information is available in the Office of the Vice President for Student Services (U-110) or visit www.studentinsurance.com.

Intramural Activities

The Cleveland State Community College Intramural Program promotes a varied recreational program designed to meet the needs and interests of all students. The program is organized and conducted to provide competition for students and faculty alike in a fun and friendly setting.

Intramural activities include bowling, golf tournament, ping pong, billiards, wiffle ball, basketball, dodgeball, benchpress contest, etc.

The Intramural Program is coordinated by Student Relations Assistant in 117B of the George L. Mathis Student Center.

Language Arts Learning Center

The Language Arts Learning Center (LALC), located in rooms 219 and 225 of the Humanities Building, provides resources for students who need help in language-related areas. The LALC is open from 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, with additional evening hours posted each semester.

The Reading and Writing lab in Room H-225 serves as a place where students can write, study or receive help in their writing and reading. Students often come to the lab for help in writing essays and papers, grammar, punctuation and English as a second language. Please contact the coordinator in H-225 or call (423) 473-2354, or e-mail jeble@clevelandstatecc.edu if you need help in any of these areas.

The Foreign Language division of the LALC is located next door to the writing center in room H-219. Students can receive help in any foreign language related areas. In the lab we have access to many resources including the text websites, vocabulary recordings available for download and Rosetta Stone software. We also offer individual help for foreign language students and pre-test study sessions. Please come by or contact us at (423) 473-2315 or jsilver@clevelandstatecc.edu for more information.

Internet access computers are available along with printing privileges and helpful staff to provide assistance as needed. Our goal is to cultivate the importance of language and writing application in all curriculum areas.


  • Resources–books, e-books, journals, indexing in databases of full-text journal and graphical digital files, course media, government documents, microforms, Internet access and computer labs.
  • Services–personalized help in locating information resources, instruction on information retrieval and document delivery via Interlibrary loan.
  • TALC cards–borrowing privileges from each TBR/ UT library are available. Check with the library staff to obtain a TALC card.

Campus ID’s are required to checkout library materials and obtain access to campus print allocations. There will be a charge for replacement ID’s.
In addition to providing a friendly gateway to information, the Library also provides areas for quiet study or viewing of various media resources. Comfy places for curling up with a good book are still available.

Library Circulation Policies and Procedures Circulation Privileges

The established circulation period for books in the general collection is two weeks. Books may be renewed if there are no other patrons waiting for the item. Videotapes/DVD’s are usually checked out for one week. Circulation of selected materials may be limited by being included in the Reserve Collection behind the circulation desk. These items are usually temporarily restricted due to the demands of classroom assignments or other time constraints and may be available for: room use only (does not leave the library), one day, two days or one week depending on the item. Resources may be renewed by accessing your individual WebVoyager account.

All fines and charges must be cleared in order to pre-register, register or receive grades and transcripts.

Library Fines

Five grace days will be given after the due date. If the material has not been returned at the end of those days, a charge of $.25 per day per item will be levied. Fines are not charged for non-class days or weekends. The amount levied will not exceed the price of replacement of the item and/or $10 whichever amount is less.

Lost and/or Damaged Books

Library books are protected under the Tennessee Code Title 39-Section 14. The charge for lost or damaged books is based on replacement price of the item and may include binding costs. Books which are out of print may also activate a replacement search cost. Replacement copies may be purchased and given to the library in lieu of payment. Damages to materials will be assessed on an item-by-item basis by librarians.

Videotape/DVDs Circulation Policies

Many of the video courses are now available in a streaming digital format. Look for “The Stream” on the CougarNet page under Academics or the Library tab.

  1. Course videotapes/DVDs are available to all registered students. To request, check with staff at the Library circulation desk or the reception desk at the Athens or Madisonville sites.
  2. Students who are enrolled only in video or Web courses and who live outside of Bradley County are eligible to receive items by mail. This service is also extended to any student with a disability that prohibits easy access to campus. For more information or to be added to the mailing list, contact the library staff. The student with mailing privileges will have 30-day checkout period.
  3. The regular checkout period is for one week. Should you need to keep the item longer, you are able to renew it. For your convenience, the first renewal may be made by accessing a personal WebVoyager account. To keep beyond a second renewal, you must bring it in for the renewal process.
  4. When videos/DVDs are checked out, a due date is affixed to the case. This is the date by which items must either be returned or renewed. For your convenience a book/tape drop is located on the back door of the Library (facing the circle). Please return items at this location when the Library is not open. All videos/DVDs should be returned to the site where checked out.
  5. If items are not returned or renewed by the due date, a late fine will be assessed. Five grace days are allowed after the date due at which point late fines accrue at a rate of $.25 per day per item–not to exceed $10 per item. Fines are not charged for nonclass days or weekends.

At the end of the semester, grade report and transcripts will be held for all students failing to return tapes or pay fines.

Lost and/or Damaged Videotapes/DVD’s

Charges for lost/damaged videotapes/DVDs are equal to the replacement price of the item. Video/DVD copies are assessed at $12.50.

Library Contact Information

Library hours are posted on the library’s home page: www.clevelandstatecc.edu/library/index.asp. Library telephone number (423) 478-6209. Library e-mail address library@clevelandstatecc.edu

Media Center

The Media Center, combined with the Center of Emphasis for Instructional Technology, is located on the lower floor of the Library Building. The Media Center/CoE includes a fully-equipped television studio and control room that is the hub of a cross-campus, multi-channel closed-circuit TV network. It is also the studio home for the only local Cleveland, TN television station, WTNB. The Media Center/CoE is more than television production. It is also a full service duplication center for most types of media including VHS, CD-ROM, DVD, and USB drives. As its name implies, the Media Center/CoE provides staff and faculty with contemporary audio/visual equipment complementing the multimedia needs of a modern, technology-enabled campus.

The Media Center/CoE coordinates the physical connectivity between two state-of-the-art training and technology labs: an LED TV-equipped, dual projector, dual camera, multimedia presentation and web-conferencing facility capable of seating 32 or more people (room L-109); a 17-seat workstation-equipped conference room complete with, Smart Board presentation equipment, and interactive PCs (room L-120).

Off-Campus Site

Cleveland State has a off-campus sites to serve students in the northern counties of our service area. Site are located in Athens and Madisonville.

Students may take some or all of their college coursework at this site in any given semester in order to reduce their driving time. A selection of general education core classes, in addition to a variety of other major-related courses, are offered each semester at this site.

In addition, students may conduct much of their college business at these campuses. Support services offered at the off-campus location include acceptance of applications, career counseling, orientation, registration, financial aid and scholarship counseling, cooperative education, acceptance of fee payments, video class library services, library research and information services classes and testing services. Library books and resources are available to students for pick-up at the offcampus site.

The Athens site phone number is (423) 745-8486. The Madisonville office phone number is (423) 420-9530.

Public Information Services

Cleveland State Community College maintains a Public Information Office, as part of the Marketing and Public Information Office, which coordinates all internal and external communications efforts and directs all releases of information to the media. Individuals and groups are encouraged to contact the Public Information Office as they become aware of newsworthy events. The Marketing and Public Information Office is located in Room 102 of the George L. Mathis Student Center, (423) 472-7141 EXT. 749.

Student Activities

Cleveland State offers a wide variety of activities to entertain students during their time on campus. The Student Senate and Student Activities Office work closely to plan, coordinate and implement activities such as OctoberFest, Back-to-School Bash, Diversity programs and Awards Night.

Resources for Student Issues and Concerns 

Student Center

The George L. Mathis Student Center is open on class days and evenings for the enjoyment of students, staff and visitors. The facilities include the cafeteria, bookstore, meeting rooms, game tables, ATM machine, the Offices of Student Services, Enrollment Services and ACCESS Center.

The meeting rooms and services of the center are available to all approved student groups. Arrangements for the use of any of the facilities for special occasions should be made by calling (423) 478-6235. Arrangements for use of the Student Center Conference Room are handled by the VP for Student Services Office. This room is designated primarily for use of student clubs. Reservations for this room can be made in Room 110A of the Student Center.

Student Hosts

Student Hosts are selected from the CSCC student body and serve as ambassadors for the college in receiving visitors to the college, visiting area high schools and assisting college staff at many campus functions.

Student Hosts are considered on the basis of academic achievement, leadership skills, character, poise and articulation.

Applications and/or additional information may be obtained by contacting the Student Relations Office in the Enrollment Services Center, Room 117B, of the George L. Mathis Student Center.

Student Relations

The Office of Student Relations responsibilities include overseeing Enrollment Management Initiatives, Dual Enrollment, Student Activities, Fitness Center, Intramurals, Clubs and Organizations. The primary focus of the Student Relations Office is to recruit potential students by promoting the college and its programs as well as retain students through programs and activities that provide the “total college experience.”

Student Newspaper

“The Cherokee Signal” is the official student newspaper of Cleveland State Community College. It is a newspaper produced entirely by students. Students gain practical experience in writing, editing, layout and design, photography, and other facets of newsletter production. Students interested in joining the staff or applying for the position of editor are invited to direct inquiries to the newspaper advisor.

Student Opinions–Methods to Express

Students may convey their views through a variety of communication vehicles including elected representatives of the Student Senate, the student newspaper, student suggestion boxes, committee meetings and college meetings. For more information, contact the Student Senate Office in Room 100 of the Student Center.

Student Senate

Students are the heart of the institution and have a right and responsibility to be involved in the governance of the institution. Students have the right to serve on college committees to provide input from the student perspective. Students have a formal Student Senate organization as a vehicle for voicing student opinion to the administration.

The Student Senate president and vice president are elected each spring in a popular vote by the student body. Each CSCC club elects a representative to serve on the Senate. Eight at-large senators from the student body are elected at the beginning of the school year as well. Meetings are held twice a month in the Student Center Conference Room. For more information and a schedule of meetings, stop by the Senate Office in Room U-100 or call (423) 472-7141 or (800) 604-2722, Ext. 441.

Telephone for Student Use

A courtesy telephone for local calls only is provided for student use at the main switchboard located in the D.F. Adkisson Administration Building. Use of this phone should be limited to three minutes.

Atomic Learning

Atomic Learning is provides 24/7 access to educational resources that allow educators, students, and learners of all ages to embrace technology. Atomic Learning’s online training solutions answer “How do I do that?” questions through a library of thousands of short, easy-to-understand tutorial movies, and address “How do I apply that?” challenges through structured projects and workshops. For instant access to answers on common “how to” questions about technology usage, Atomic Learning is located under the Academics tab on your CougarNet account.

Student Policies

Alcoholic Beverage Policy

Cleveland State Community College seeks to encourage and sustain an academic environment that respects individual freedoms and promotes the health, safety and welfare of its students, faculty and staff. In keeping with this objective, the college has established guidelines and policies governing the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages on college property stating, “The use and/or possession of alcoholic beverages at Cleveland State Community College owned or controlled property is prohibited.” (CSCC Pol No. 3:10:00:00)

Attendance Policy

Each student at Cleveland State Community College is expected to assume a responsible attitude toward class attendance.

Each student is expected to attend all class meetings unless an absence is caused by circumstances beyond the student’s control or is institutionally approved. Regardless of the reason for the absence, the student is responsible for material covered and/or assigned during the class meeting.

At the beginning of each course, the faculty member shall provide each student, in writing, the policy for the treatment of absences in that course. Before any absence, the student should, if possible, inform the faculty member of the reason and arrange any makeup material and/or examination according to course policy.

Attendance expectation begins with the first class meeting of the course. If unable to attend this class meeting, the student should contact the faculty member in advance. If this procedure is not followed, the student may be administratively withdrawn from the course in order to make room for another student.

All work missed because of the absence must be made up at the instructor’s discretion.

Cancellation of Classes Due to Weather or Road Conditions

When weather conditions exist that could affect safe travel, the college will notify the following radio and TV stations.

Cleveland (Radio) WBAC-FM 93.9, WCLE-AM/FM 104.1, WALV-FM 104.9
Chattanooga (Radio) WDEF-FM 92.3, WDOD-FM 96.5, WJTT-FM 94.3, WSKZ-FM 107.9, WUSYFM 101, WLLJ-FM 103.1, (TV) WDEFTV Channel 12, WRCB-TV Channel 3, WTVC-TV Channel 9, WTCI-TV Channel 45
Knoxville (Radio) WJXB-FM 97.5, WIVK-FM 107.7, WKHT 104.5, WNFZ 94.3, WNOX-FM 99.1, WOKI-FM 100.3, STAR 102.1 (TV) WATE-TV Channel 6, WBIR-TV Channel 10, WVLT-TV Channel 8
McMinn Co. (Radio) WJSQ 101.7, WDNT 104.9, WAYA 93.9, WCPH, WYGO 99.5, WYXI-AM 1390
Polk Co. (Radio) WBIN-AM 1540
Monroe (Radio) WYGO 99.5
Rhea (Radio) WAY FM

Students and employees are requested to monitor the weather conditions because on occasion, due to an unexpected and sudden change in the weather and road conditions, a decision may be modified. In all instances, decisions are made with the safety of students and employees foremost in consideration but with an attempt to have classes if possible. However, on a day or evening when classes are being conducted and weather conditions are questionable, students are advised to use individual judgment in attending. Students may call the college at (423) 472-7141 for a recorded announcement regarding the operating schedule. Students should consult each instructor’s syllabus regarding class make-up policies.

The off-site campuses will follow the main campus policy except in extreme situations. Check with the campus you attend for a copy of their policy.

Students, faculty and staff with internet access may also access school closing information at http//www.clevelandstatecc.edu/weather

To access the Chattanooga Times InfoLine, call (423) 209-1100, then dial 7048 and you will hear a recorded message.

To access the Daily Post-Athenian Infoline, call (423) 745-3100 and then dial 7006 and you will hear a recorded message.

Complaints Against Instructors

A student who has a complaint or an issue with a faculty member should first address the issue orally with the faculty member. If there is not a timely and/or mutually agreeable resolution to the issue, the student should then state the complaint or problem in writing to the faculty member. The faculty member will respond to the student’s written complaint within five business days.

If the procedure above is followed, and the student continues to believe that the issue was not resolved appropriately or is not resolved in a timely manner, the student can then forward a copy of the written complaint, with a cover note, to the appropriate division dean. Although the college prefers that issues be first resolved between students and faculty, students may go directly to the dean with an issue or complaint if the student perceives the issue to be too sensitive or too personal to discuss with the faculty member. The dean will respond to the student within five business days.

If the situation is not resolvable or not resolved in an appropriate manner and the above steps have been followed, the student may appeal, in writing, to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, enclosing copies of previous complaints and responses. The Vice President for Academic Affairs will distribute a decision, in writing, to the student, the faculty member and dean within five business days of receipt of the appeal. The decision of the Vice President is final.

Computer Use Policy

Student access to college information technology resources is provided for the purpose of supporting pursuits of legitimate educational objectives. Any other use is prohibited.

The college respects student rights to privacy and does not intercept student activity or review stored data without cause, as by court order or as part of internal investigations following legitimate complaints of misuse. However, students must be aware that the college may log student activity as part of normal operations and reserves the right to have the electronic capability to retrieve information from technology-related activity for a period of time. Students should monitor, print or disk-save their files and messages since the college must periodically and without notice delete old files in order to meet storage demands.

Additional rules governing student usage of computers are posted in college computer laboratories and in the Library. Explicit are the requirements that students must respect the rights of other individuals and networks at all times and must not in any way attempt to access or modify any computer operating system files, compilers, assemblers, data sets, application programs or utility programs. Additionally, students are not permitted to use college information technology resources in the pursuit of commercial activities or for non-profit volume promotions such as brochures, announcements and bulletins.

Additional policies about acceptable use and information technology resources are available on the college’s Web site within the Web pages for the Office of Information Technology.

Students who do not follow policies or posted rules may be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, exclusion from college information technology resources, loss of computer privileges, suspension from the college or external legal action. Students may appeal any internal discipline judgments through the Office of Vice President for Student Services.

Conduct and Disciplinary Sanctions
CSCC Policy 3:02:00:01 General Regulations

Part 1 Institution Policy Statement
Part 2 Disciplinary Offenses
Part 3 Academic and Classroom Misconduct
Part 4 Disciplinary Sanctions
Part 5 Traffic and Parking

Part 6 Disciplinary Procedures

Purpose: The purpose of this Policy is to provide conduct and administration of rules governing student disciplinary offenses, academic and classroom misconduct, student disciplinary sanctions, traffic and parking regulations, and student disciplinary procedures.

Part 1 Institution Policy Statement

(1) Students enrolled in postsecondary educational institutions are citizens of their civic communities as well as the academic community. As such they are expected to conduct themselves as law-abiding members of each community at all times. Admission to an institution of postsecondary education carries with it special privileges and imposes special responsibilities apart from those rights and duties enjoyed by non-students. In recognition of the special relationship that exists between the institution and the academic community which it seeks to serve, the State Board of Regents (TBR) has authorized the presidents of the institutions and directors of the technology centers under its jurisdiction to take such action as may be necessary to maintain campus conditions and preserve the integrity of the institution and its educational environment.

(2) Pursuant to this authorization and in fulfillment of its duties to provide a secure and stimulating atmosphere in which individual and academic pursuits may flourish, the State Board of Regents has developed regulations, which are intended to govern student conduct on the several campuses under its jurisdiction. As a TBR institution, Cleveland State Community College has implemented policies subject to, and consistent with, these regulations. In addition, students are subject to all federal, state and local laws and ordinances. If a student’s violation of such laws or ordinances also adversely affects the institution’s pursuit of its educational objectives, the college may enforce its policies regardless of the status or outcome of any external proceedings instituted by other civil or criminal authorities.

(3) For the purpose of these policies, a “student” shall mean a person who is admitted and/or registered for study at Cleveland State Community College for any academic period. This shall include any period of time following admission and/or registration, but preceding the start of classes for any academic period. It will also include any period which follows the end of an academic period through the last day for registration for the succeeding academic period, and during any period while the student is under suspension from the institution. Finally, “student” shall also include any person subject to a period of suspension or removal from campus as a sanction which results from a finding of a violation of the regulations governing student conduct. Students are responsible for compliance with the Rules of Student Conduct and with similar institutional policies at all times.

(4) Disciplinary action may be taken against a student for violation of the policies which occur on institutionally owned, leased or otherwise controlled property, while participating in international or distance learning programs, and off campus, when the conduct impairs, interferes with, or obstructs any institutional activity or the mission, processes, and functions of the institution. The college may enforce these policies regardless of the status or outcome of any external proceedings instituted in any other forum, including any civil or criminal proceeding.

(5) These policies, and related material incorporated herein by reference, are applicable to student organizations as well as individual students. Student organizations are subject to discipline for the conduct and actions of individual members of the organization while acting in their capacity as members of, or while attending or participating in any activity of, the organization.

(6) Confidentiality of Discipline Process. Subject to the exceptions provided pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) 20 U.S.C. 1232g , and/or the Tennessee Open Records Act, T.C.A. § 10-7-504(a)(4), a student’s disciplinary files are considered “educational records” and are confidential within the meaning of those Acts.

This policy is promulgated pursuant to, and in compliance with, TBR Rule 0240-02-03-.01, Institution Policy Statement. To the extent that a conflict exists between this policy and TBR rule, policy and/or applicable law(s), the TBR rule, policy and/or law will control. History – Adopted by TBR: 12/8/11. Effective: 1/29/12.

Part 2 Disciplinary Offenses

(1) Disciplinary measures shall be imposed, through appropriate due process procedures, for conduct which adversely affects the institution’s pursuit of its educational objectives, which violates or shows a disregard for the rights of other members of the academic community, or which endangers property or persons on property owned or controlled by CSCC.

(2) The following non-exclusive list provides notice of offenses for which both individuals and organizations may be subject to disciplinary action:

(a) Conduct Dangerous to Self or Others. Any conduct, or attempted conduct, which constitutes a danger to any person’s health, safety, or personal well-being, including, but not limited to, the following:

1. Physical and/or verbal abuse
2. Threats and/or intimidation
3. Harm inflicted on self;

(b) Hazing. Hazing, as defined in T.C.A. § 49-7-123(a)(1), means any intentional or reckless act, on or off the property, of any higher education institution by an individual acting alone, or with others, which is directed against any other person(s), that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of that person(s), or which induces or coerces a person(s) to endanger such person(s) mental or physical health or safety. Hazing does not include customary athletic events or similar contests or competitions, and is limited to those actions taken and situations created in connection with initiation into or affiliation with any organization;

(c) Disorderly Conduct. Any individual or group behavior which is abusive, obscene, lewd, indecent, violent, excessively noisy, disorderly, or which unreasonably disturbs institutional functions, operations, classrooms, other groups or individuals;

(d) Obstruction of or Interference with institutional activities or facilities. Any intentional interference with or obstruction of any institutional program, event, or facility including the following:

1. Any unauthorized occupancy of facilities owned or controlled by an institution or blockage of access to or from such facilities.
2. Interference with the right of any institution member or other authorized person to gain access to any activity, program, event or facilities sponsored or controlled by an institution.
3. Any obstruction or delay of a campus security officer, public safety officer, police officer, firefighter, EMT, or any official of an institution, or failure to comply with any emergency directive issued by such person in the performance of his or her duty.

(e) Misuse of or Damage to Property. Any act of misuse, vandalism, malicious or unwarranted damage or destruction, defacing, disfiguring or unauthorized use of property belonging to another including, but not limited to, personal property, fire alarms, fire equipment, elevators, telephones, institution keys, library materials and/or safety devices;

(f) Theft, Misappropriation, or Unauthorized Sale of Property;

(g) Misuse of Documents or Identification Cards. Any forgery, alteration of or unauthorized use of institutional documents, forms, records or identification cards, including the giving of any false information, or withholding of necessary information, in connection with a student’s admission, enrollment or status in the institution;

(h) Firearms and Other Dangerous Weapons. Any possession of or use of firearms, dangerous weapons of any kind, or replica/toy guns, e.g. BB guns, pellet guns, paintball guns, water guns, cap guns, toy knives or other items that simulate firearms or dangerous weapons;

(i) Explosives, Fireworks, and Flammable Materials. The unauthorized possession, ignition or detonation of any object or article which would cause damage by fire or other means to persons or property or possession of any substance which could be considered to be and used as fireworks;

(j) Alcoholic Beverages. The use and/or possession of alcoholic beverages on institution owned or controlled property. This offense includes the violation of any local ordinance, state, or federal law concerning alcoholic beverages, on or off institution owned or controlled property, where an affiliated group or organization has alcoholic beverages present and available for consumption;

(k) Drugs. The unlawful possession or use of any drug or controlled substance (including, but not limited to, any stimulant, depressant, narcotic or hallucinogenic drug, substance or marijuana), sale or distribution of any such drug or controlled substance. This offense includes the violation of any local ordinance, state, or federal law concerning the unlawful possession or use of drugs, on or off institution owned or controlled property;

(l) Drug Paraphernalia. The use or possession of equipment, products or materials that are used or intended for use in manufacturing, growing, using or distributing any drug or controlled substance. This offense includes the violation of any local ordinance, state, or federal law concerning the unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia, on or off institution owned or controlled property;

(m) Public Intoxication. Appearing on institution owned or controlled property or at an institutional sponsored event while under the influence of a controlled substance or of any other intoxicating substance;

(n) Gambling. Unlawful gambling in any form;

(o) Financial Irresponsibility. Failure to meet financial responsibilities to the institution promptly including, but not limited to, knowingly passing a worthless check or money order in payment to the institution;

(p) Unacceptable Conduct in Disciplinary Proceedings. Any conduct at any stage of an institutional disciplinary proceeding or investigation that is contemptuous, disrespectful, threatening, or disorderly, including false complaints, testimony or other evidence, and attempts to influence the impartiality of a member of a judicial body, verbal or physical harassment or intimidation of a judicial board member, complainant, respondent or witness;

(q) Failure to Cooperate with Institutional Officials. Failure to comply with directions of institutional officials acting in the performance of their duties;

(r) Violation of General Rules and Regulations. Any violation of the general rules and regulations of the institution as published in an official institutional publication, including the intentional failure to perform any required action or the intentional performance of any prohibited action;

(s) Attempts, Aiding and Abetting. Any attempt to commit any of the offenses listed under this section or the aiding or abetting of the commission of any of the offenses listed under this section (an attempt to commit an offense is defined as the intention to commit the offense coupled with the taking of some action toward its commission). Being present during the planning or commission of any offense listed under this section will be considered as aiding and abetting. Students who anticipate or observe an offense must remove themselves from the situation and are required to report the offense to the institution;

(t) Violations of State or Federal Laws. Any violation of state or federal laws or regulations proscribing conduct or establishing offenses, which laws and regulations are incorporated herein by reference;

(u) Violation of Imposed Disciplinary Sanctions. Intentional or unintentional violation of a disciplinary sanction officially imposed by an institution official or a constituted body of the institution;

(v) Sexual Battery or Rape. Committing any act of sexual battery or rape as defined by state law;

(w) Harassment or Retaliation. Any act by an individual or group against another person or group in violation of TBR policies, as well as federal and/or state laws prohibiting discrimination, including, but not limited to, TBR policies 5:01:02:00, (F), 501:02:00, 2:02:10:01 and TBR Guideline P-080.

(x) Academic Misconduct. Plagiarism, cheating, fabrication. For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:

1. Plagiarism. The adoption or reproduction of ideas, words, statements, images, or works of another person as one’s own without proper attribution;
2. Cheating. Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or aids in any academic exercise or test/examination. The term academic exercise includes all forms of work submitted for credit or hours;
3. Fabrication. Unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise;

(y) Unauthorized Duplication or Possession of Keys. Making, causing to be made or the possession of any key for an institutional facility without proper authorization;

(z) Litter. Dispersing litter in any form onto the grounds or facilities of the campus;

(aa) Pornography. Public display of literature, films, pictures or other materials which an average person applying contemporary community standards would find, (1) taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest, (2) depicts or describes sexual conduct in a patently offensive way, and (3) taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value;

(bb) Abuse of Computer Resources and Facilities. Misusing and/or abusing campus computer resources including, but not limited to, the following:

1. Use of another person’s identification to gain access to institutional computer resources;
2. Use of institutional computer resources and facilities to violate copyright laws, including, but not limited to, the act of unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials using institutional information technology systems;
3. Unauthorized access to a computer or network file, including but not limited to, altering, using, reading, copying, or deleting the file;
4. Unauthorized transfer of a computer or network file;
5. Use of computing resources and facilities to send abusive or obscene correspondence;
6. Use of computing resources and facilities in a manner that interferes with normal operation of the institutional computing system;
7. Use of computing resources and facilities to interfere with the work of another student, faculty member, or institutional official;
8. Violation of any published information technology resources policy;
9. Unauthorized peer to peer file sharing;

(cc) Unauthorized Access to Institutional Facilities and/or Grounds. Any unauthorized access and/or occupancy of institutional facilities and grounds is prohibited, including, but not limited to, gaining access to facilities and grounds that are closed to the public, being present in areas of campus that are open to limited guests only, being present in academic buildings after hours without permission, and being present in buildings when the student has no legitimate reason to be present;

(dd) Providing False Information. Giving any false information to, or withholding necessary information from, any institutional official acting in the performance of his/her duties in connection with a student’s admission, enrollment, or status in the institution;

(ee) Unauthorized Surveillance. Making or causing to be made unauthorized video or photographic images of a person in a location in which that person has a reasonable expectation of privacy, without the prior effective consent of the individual, or in the case of a minor, without the prior effective consent of the minor’s parent or guardian. This includes, but is not limited to, taking video or photographic images in shower/locker rooms, and men’s or women’s restrooms, and storing, sharing, and/or distributing of such unauthorized images by any means;

(ff) Use of Tobacco Products on Campus. Cleveland State Policy 1:14:00:00 prohibits smoking or the use of tobacco products of any type on any property owned by, or leased and operated on behalf of, Cleveland State Community College.

(3) Disciplinary action may be taken against a student for violations of these policies which occur at or in association with enrollment at the college for any academic period. Each student shall be responsible for his/her conduct from the time of application for admission through the actual awarding of a degree including periods prior to or between semesters. Conduct occurring while a student is registered or enrolled at the college, but not discovered until after the awarding of a degree is actionable under these provisions and may result in the retroactive application of a disciplinary sanction. Should a student withdraw from the college with disciplinary action or academic misconduct action pending, the student’s record may be encumbered by the appropriate institutional office until the proceedings have been concluded.

This policy is promulgated pursuant to, and in compliance with, TBR Rule 0240-02-03-.02, Disciplinary Offenses. To the extent that a conflict exists between this policy and TBR rule, policy and/or applicable law(s), the TBR rule, policy and/or law will control. History – Adopted by TBR: 12/8/11. Effective: 1/29/12.

Part 3 Academic and Classroom Misconduct

(1) The instructor has the primary responsibility for maintenance of academic integrity and controlling classroom behavior, and can order the temporary removal or exclusion from the classroom of any student engaged in disruptive conduct or conduct that violates the general rules and regulations of the institution. Extended or permanent exclusion from the classroom or further disciplinary action can be effected only through appropriate procedures of the institution.

(2) Disruptive behavior in the classroom may be defined as, but not limited to, behavior that obstructs or disrupts the learning environment (e.g., offensive language, harassment of students and professors, repeated outbursts from a student which disrupt the flow of instruction or prevent concentration on the subject taught, failure to cooperate in maintaining classroom decorum, etc.), text messaging, and the continued use of any electronic or other noise or light emitting device which disturbs others (e.g., disturbing noises from beepers, cell phones, palm pilots, lap-top computers, games, etc.).

(3) Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited. Students guilty of academic misconduct, either directly or indirectly, through participation or assistance, are immediately responsible to the instructor of the class. In addition to other possible disciplinary sanctions which may be imposed through the regular institutional disciplinary procedures, the instructor has the authority to assign an appropriate grade for the exercise, examination, or course due to academic misconduct. A faculty member who determines that a student has engaged in academic misconduct in connection with a course taught by the faculty member or an examination proctored by the faculty member or his or her designee may choose to exercise Discipline as outlined below:

(a) A student’s grade in the course or the assignment or examination affected by the alleged academic misconduct may be lowered to any extent including a grade of “F”.

(b) The faculty member exercising this authority shall notify the appropriate department Chairperson and/or Dean of the action. The department Chairperson/Dean shall notify the affected student in writing of the faculty member’s decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing with regard to the decision to the Student Disciplinary Committee. A copy of the student notification must also be sent to the Vice President for Student Services. Hearings will be conducted pursuant to the process set forth in this policy for hearings before the Student Disciplinary Committee.

(c) Student Appeal: To initiate a hearing to contest the finding or grade sanction related to academic misconduct, the student must contact the Chair of the Student Disciplinary Committee or the Vice President for Student Services within five (5) class days of receipt of notification of the summary action.

(d) A student who is found responsible for academic misconduct will not be permitted to withdraw from the course to avoid grade sanctions and/or other discipline.

(e) A student who is found responsible for academic misconduct may be subject to additional educational sanctions imposed by the Vice President for Student Services through campus disciplinary processes as outlined in Section 6 of this policy.

(f) Multiple Acts of Academic Misconduct: A student who is found to have committed more than one act of academic misconduct may be summoned to appear before the Student Disciplinary Committee and may be subject to additional disciplinary sanctions described in Section 6 of this policy.

This policy is promulgated pursuant to, and in compliance with,TBR Rule 0240-02-03-.03 Academic and Classroom Misconduct. To the extent that a conflict exists between this policy and TBR rule, policy and/or applicable law(s), the TBR rule, policy and/or law will control. History – Adopted by TBR: 12/8/11. Effective: 1/29/12.

Part 4 Disciplinary Sanctions

(1) Upon a determination that a student or student organization has violated any of the disciplinary offenses set forth in these policies, the following disciplinary sanctions may be imposed, either singly or in combination.

(2) Definition of Sanctions.

(a) Restitution: may be required to compensate a party or parties for a loss suffered as a result of disciplinary violation(s). Restitution shall be limited to actual cost of repair, replacement or financial loss;

(b) Warning. The Vice President for Student Services or designee may notify the student or student organization that continuation or repetition of specified conduct may be cause for other disciplinary action;

(c) Reprimand. A written or verbal reprimand or censure may be given to any student or student organization whose conduct violates any part of these regulations.

(d) Service to the Institution or Community. A student or student organization may be required to donate a specified number of service hours to the institution performing reasonable tasks for an appropriate institution office, official(s), or the local community. The service required shall be commensurate to the offense (e.g., service for maintenance staff for defacing institutional property);

(e) Specified Educational/Counseling Program. A student or student organization may be required to participate in specified educational or counseling program(s) relevant to the offense, or to prepare a project or report concerning a relevant topic;

(f) Apology. A student or student organization may be required to apologize to an affected party, either verbally or in writing, for the behavior related to a disciplinary offense;

(g) Fines. Penalties in the form of fines may be imposed against a student or an organization. The sanction of fines may be imposed in addition to other forms of disciplinary sanctions. Failure to pay fines may result in further disciplinary action;

(h) Restriction. A restriction upon a student’s or student organization’s privileges for a period of time may be imposed. This restriction may include, for example, denial of the ability to represent the institution at any event, ability to participate in institution or TBR sponsored travel, use of facilities, parking privileges, participation in extracurricular activities or restriction of organizational privileges;

(i) Probation. Continued enrollment of a student or recognition of a student organization on probation may be conditioned upon adherence to these regulations. Any student or organization placed on probation will be notified in writing of the terms and length of the probation. Probation may include restrictions upon extracurricular activities or any other appropriate special condition(s). Any conduct in further violation of these regulations while on probationary status or the failure to comply with the terms of the probationary period may result in the imposition of further disciplinary action;

(j) Suspension: is the separation of a student or student organization from the institution for a specified period of time. Suspension may be accompanied by special conditions for readmission or recognition;

(k) Expulsion. Expulsion entails a permanent separation from the institution. The imposition of this sanction is a permanent bar to the student’s admission to or the organization’s recognition by the institution. A student or organization that has been expelled may not enter institution property or facilities without obtaining prior approval from an appropriate campus official with knowledge of the expulsion directive;

(l) Revocation of Admission, Degree, or Credential;

(m) Any alternate sanction deemed necessary and appropriate to address the misconduct at issue;

(n) Interim Suspension. As a general rule, the status of a student or student organization accused of a violation of these regulations should not be altered until a final determination has been made in regard to the charges. However, interim suspension, pending the completion of disciplinary procedures, may be imposed upon a finding that the continued presence of the accused on campus constitutes an immediate threat to the physical safety and well-being of the accused, any other member of the institution its guests, property, or substantial disruption of classroom or other campus activities. In any case of interim suspension, the student or student organization shall be given an opportunity at the time of the decision or as soon thereafter as reasonably possible to contest the suspension;

(4) The president is authorized, at his or her discretion, to convert any sanction imposed to a lesser sanction, or to rescind any previous sanction, in appropriate cases.
This policy is promulgated pursuant to, and in compliance with,TBR Rule 0240-02-03-.04 Disciplinary Sanctions. To the extent that a conflict exists between this policy and TBR rule, policy and/or applicable law(s), the TBR rule, policy and/or law will control. History – Adopted by TBR: 12/8/11. Effective: 1/29/12.

Part 5 Traffic and Parking

Campus Traffic Regulations: These regulations apply to all who drive motor vehicles on any part of the Cleveland State Community College properties.

(1) General Vehicle Operation/Parking/Traffic Regulations

(a) The purpose of this policy is to facilitate the safe and orderly operation of college business and to provide parking facilities for this operation within the limitations of available space.

(b) Security Officers are responsible for implementation and enforcement of this policy.

(c) The responsibility for locating a proper parking space rests with the operator of the motor vehicle. Lack of space will not be considered a valid excuse for violating any provision of the parking policy.

(d) The college shall have no responsibility for loss or damage to any vehicle or its contents operated or parked on the CSCC campus. All persons operating a vehicle on college property must be properly licensed operators.

(e) Pedestrians have the right-of-way at established pedestrian crossings.

(f) Under normal conditions the maximum speed limit on campus is 15 mph.

(g) Traffic control signs, devices and directions of Security Officers must be obeyed.

(h) All persons operating vehicles are responsible for maintaining control of the vehicle, safe operations, and observance of traffic control signs, barriers, devices, and Security Officers.

(i) Operating a motor vehicle in any area other than a street or roadway intended for motor vehicles is prohibited.

(j) The use of skateboards, bicycles, roller skates and in-line skates is prohibited on any Cleveland State Community College property.

(k) All motor vehicle related accidents must be reported to the CSCC Safety and Security Department at (423) 472-7141, (423) 618-1720 or (423) 478-6236. All vehicle break-ins or incidents should be reported immediately.

(2) Registration of Automobiles/Permits/Decals:

(a) Parking permits are required for all Staff, Faculty, and Adjunct Faculty and are issued by the Office of the Vice President for Finance and Administration located in the Administration Building, Room A111. Lost or stolen decals will be replaced without charge.

(b) Guest parking permits are available upon request at the CSCC Safety and Security Department.

(c) CSCC handicap permits are available upon request to the Coordinator of Disabilities Support Services. CSCC handicap parking decals are issued by the CSCC Safety and Security Department, are for use on CSCC properties only, and are issued upon proper medical documentation being submitted to and approved by the Coordinator of Disabilities Support Services located in the George L. Mathis Student Center, Room U118. CSCC temporary handicap permits are also available for medical reasons upon request and proper medical documentation and the approval of the Coordinator of Disabilities Support Services.

(3) Parking Restrictions: Parking is restricted to authorized areas.

(a) Student parking is confined to areas designated as student parking.

(b) Visitor parking is confined to those areas designated as visitors parking. Visitors are those individuals whom are not currently enrolled at CSCC.

(c) Staff, Faculty, Adjunct Faculty, and Students should refrain from parking in visitor parking spaces and service vehicles spaces.

(4) Violations: The following examples constitute violations of this policy.

(a) Parking:

1. Parking in “no parking” or “loading” zones

2. Parking in unauthorized area, to include grass, seeded or recreation areas, blocking or obstructing traffic, street, sidewalk, driveway, fire hydrant, building entrance or exit, another vehicle, or trash dumpster.

3. Parking where curbs or lines are painted yellow

4. Parking in motorcycle space

5. Blocking loading zone

6. Blocking driveway, intersection or sidewalks

7. Parking on grass

8. Parking in visitor, staff, or service vehicles spaces

9. Parking in front of fire hydrants or fire lanes (Vehicle subject to immobilization and a city citation)

10. Backing into a parking space

11. Parking in crosswalks

12. Parking in handicap zone (Vehicle subject to immobilization and a city citation)

13. Parking in reserved areas

(b) Moving:

1. Exceeding posted speed limit. (15 mph max.)
2. Exceeding safe speed for conditions
3. Failure to obey traffic control signal or sign
4. Failure to obey traffic officer

(5) Fines/Penalties

(a) All violation fines must be paid within fifteen (15) weekdays at the Business Office located in the Administration Building. Do not send cash payments by mail. Checks are to be written out to Cleveland State Community College.
(b) Parking Violation……………………………….……..………. $25.00
(c) Obstruction of Traffic……………………………………… $30.00
(d) Fire Hydrant………………………………………………..……. $50.00  (TN Traffic Statute 55-8-160 (4))
(e) Handicap Violation…………………………………………… $200.00 (TN Traffic Statute 55-21-108)

It is the policy of Cleveland State Community College not to waive handicap citations once issued. Anyone who parks illegally in handicap designated parking areas is in violation of Tennessee Traffic Laws, “Unauthorized use of disabled parking space or handicapped permit” 55-21-108, and is subject to a Cleveland City Traffic Citation and Vehicle Immobilization (booting). If a person’s vehicle has been immobilized, the CSCC Safety and Security Department may be reached at 423-618-1720 for assistance.

(6) Penalties

(a) A faculty or staff member who persists in violating these regulations (three or more violations in an academic term) or fails to pay a citation will be reported to their appropriate supervisor for disciplinary action.

(b) Students who persist in violating these regulations (three or more violations in an academic term) or who fail to pay fines will not be allowed to receive an official transcript, be subject to administrative and/or disciplinary actions, and not allowed to graduate.

(c) Cleveland State Community College Vehicle Immobilization Guidelines: In regard to vehicles that are parked illegally in a parking space that is designated and marked as handicap, fire hydrant, or fire lane; or vehicles that may be impeding or obstructing the normal/natural flow of traffic, or blocking drive ways or cross walks upon any property owned or leased by Cleveland State Community College, CSCC Security Officers are authorized to immobilize (boot) said vehicle and request that local law enforcement officers (CPD) issue a municipal traffic citation.

The issuance of municipal traffic citations will be in accordance with the Tennessee Traffic Law/Statute Titles 39, 54, & 55:

A. 55-21-108 Unauthorized use of disabled parking space or handicap permit

B. 55-21-105(d) Reciprocal Agreement Clause for out of state tags/placards

C. 55-21-103(a)) Parent/Legal Guardian Clause for those disabled persons who do not hold a valid driver’s license.

D. 55-8-160 Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in specific places:

(A) (2) Blocking Public or Private Drive Way,
(4) Fire Hydrant/Lane,
(5) Cross Walk,
(11) Obstructing Traffic Flow

Procedure: Officers shall be absolutely certain that a vehicle is in fact in violation of CSCC parking rules and regulations or Tennessee Traffic Laws/Statutes before proceeding with the immobilization (booting) of said vehicle; if possible and logical (officer discretion), officers should endeavor to make contact with vehicle owner(s) and advise them that their vehicle is in violation of CSCC parking rules and regulations, as well as Tennessee Traffic Laws/Statutes, the nature of the violation, and that their vehicle is about to be immobilized (booted) and cited by local law enforcement officers (CPD) unless moved immediately.

Upon the issuance of the municipal citation and the CPD Officer has indicated that he is finished, CSCC Security Officers are to remove the Immobilization device (boot) as well as the green sticker.

If CSCC Security Officers are questioned at any time about the municipal citation that has been issued, they will refer the individual(s) to the Cleveland City Court System advising that the court date is on the citation.

(7) Parking Violation Appeals

(a) Students may submit an appeal, in writing, to the Student Parking Appeals Committee within fifteen (15) weekdays from issuance of the citation. Forms may be picked up at the Information Desk, Business Office, or the CSCC Safety and Security Department and turned in to the Office of the Vice President for Student Services (U110a) or the Student Senate Office (U100).

(b) The Student Parking Appeals Committee consists of the Vice President of Student Senate as chair and three (3) to five (5) students who volunteer and are approved by the Student Senate. Committee members serve for an academic year.

(c) Student appeals are to be submitted and determined on the basis set forth in the written appeal document(s) submitted by the student. The Appeals Committee meets every other week to study the appeals and vote to approve or deny all pending appeals.

(d) The student will be notified in writing of the committee’s decision. If an appeal is successful, the Business Office will be notified. If the fine already has been paid, a refund will be provided by the college in a timely manner.

(e) Students may submit an appeal from a decision of the Student Parking Appeals Committee to the President of the College within fifteen (15) days of the Committee’s decision. The appeal shall be submitted in writing and must clearly state the basis for the appeal. The President will consider the appeal based on the information provided by the student and the record of the decision from the Student Parking Appeals Committee, and will notify the student and the committee of his/her decision within ten (10) days from the receipt of the appeal.

(f) Staff and Faculty may appeal a citation to the Employee Parking Ticket Appeals Committee by submitting a Parking Appeal Form at the college Information Desk. Appeals must be submitted within 15 weekdays from the date of the citation.

(g) The Employee Parking Appeals Committee consists of one (1) faculty member from each academic division of the college selected by the Faculty Senate and two (2) staff members selected by the Staff Senate, with the Committee Chair elected by the committee membership. Committee members serve for the academic year.

(h) The Appeals Committee will base decisions on the content of the Parking Appeal Form and will issue its determination in writing.

(i) If an appeal is successful, the Business Office will be notified. If the fine already has been paid, a refund will be provided by the College in a timely manner.

(j) Staff and Faculty may submit an appeal from a decision of the Employee Parking Ticket Appeals Committee to the President of the College within fifteen (15) days of the Committee’s decision. The appeal shall be submitted in writing and must clearly state the basis for the appeal. The President will consider the appeal based on the information provided by the employee and the record of the decision from the Employee Parking Appeals Committee, and will notify the employee and the Committee of his/her decision within ten (10) days from the receipt of the appeal.

(8) Special Occasions and Emergencies: On special occasions (for example; athletic events, concerts, graduation exercises, etc.) and in emergencies, parking and traffic limitations may be imposed by the Office of Security as required by the conditions which prevail.

(9) The Institution reserves the right to tow any vehicle that is improperly parked. Any fees associated with towing will be the responsibility of the owner of the vehicle.
This policy is promulgated pursuant to, and in compliance with,TBR Rule 0240-02-03-.05 Traffic and Parking. To the extent that a conflict exists between this policy and TBR rule, policy and/or applicable law(s), the TBR rule, policy and/or law will control. History – Adopted by TBR: 12/8/11. Effective: 1/29/12

Part 6 Disciplinary Procedures

(1) General: Cleveland State Community College, in the implementation of TBR regulations pertaining to discipline and conduct of students, insures the constitutional rights of students by affording a system of constitutionally and legally sound procedures which provide the protection of due process of law.

(2) Institutional Procedures: For matters not subject to the requirements of TUAPA, the Vice President for Student Services (VPSS), or designee, is responsible for initiating disciplinary action against any student.

(a) Where alleged misconduct of any student is believed to be of such a nature to require the imposing of any disciplinary sanction, it should be brought to the attention of the office of the Vice President for Student Services.

(b) The VPSS or designee shall inform the student, in person if possible, of the charges against him/her and proceed to gather information concerning the case including, but not limited to, interviews with all relevant parties (accused, accuser, and possible witnesses).

(c) The VPSS or designee shall review the evidence, determine whether there appears to have been a violation of the College regulations and, if so, decide upon a proper disciplinary sanction within five (5) class days.

(d) Following completion of the investigation, the VPSS or designee may: (a) determine that there is an insufficient basis, in fact, and dismiss the matter; (b) conclude that there is a sufficient factual basis for discipline and that discipline less than suspension or expulsion or removal of the college privileges would be appropriate; or (c) conclude that there is a sufficient factual basis for discipline and that discipline, including the possibility of suspension or expulsion or removal of college privileges, would be appropriate.

(e) The student will be notified of the conclusion of the VPSS or designee, and the proposed sanction. The student shall be informed of his/her right to accept the VPSS or designee’s decision and/or the right to a hearing before the Student Disciplinary Committee. In cases where suspension or expulsion are proposed as sanctions, the student shall additionally be notified, in writing, that he/she may request either a hearing conducted pursuant to TUAPA (Tennessee Uniform Administrative Procedures Act) or a hearing before the Student Disciplinary Committee. The student, after notice, may elect to waive the right to either, or both, a Student Disciplinary Committee hearing, and/or a TUAPA hearing. Failure to elect a hearing shall constitute waiver.

(3) Hearings before the Student Disciplinary Committee.

(a) The following procedures shall apply:

1. The Student Disciplinary Committee is a standing committee of Cleveland State Community College composed of students and faculty. The Student Disciplinary Committee is comprised of: One (1) faculty member from each academic department selected by the Faculty Senate, the President of the Student Senate, four (4) students selected by the Student Senate, the Vice President for Student Services (ex officio), and the President of the College (ex officio).

2. The accused student shall be informed in writing of the date, time, and place of the hearing, not less than five (5) working days prior to the day of the hearing. The Student Disciplinary Committee shall afford the student a hearing within twenty (20) days after receipt of the case.

3. All hearings shall be closed unless the student requests an open hearing in writing.

4. The VPSS or designee shall read the charges and present the results of the investigation.

5. The student shall be given an opportunity to respond to the evidence against him/her. He/she shall have an opportunity to present his/her position, make such admissions, denials, or explanations as he/she thinks appropriate and testify or present such other evidence as is available to him/her. The technical rules of evidence normally followed in civil and criminal trial shall not apply.

6. The student may be accompanied by an advisor whose participation shall be limited to advising the student and shall not include representing the student.

7. The student shall have the right to call witnesses on his/her behalf and the right to hear and question the witnesses against him/her.

8. Members of the Committee shall have the right to ask questions.

9. All evidence upon which the decision is made shall be presented at the proceedings before the Committee.

10. After all the presentations of evidence and testimony, the Committee shall retire to discuss the case and render a decision.

11. The student shall be notified of the decision, in writing, within five (5) days of the hearing and shall be advised of his/her right to appeal the decision of the Student Disciplinary Committee to the President of the College. The appeal shall be submitted in writing and must clearly state the basis for the appeal. The President will consider the appeal based on the information provided by the student, as well as the record of the proceedings and decision from the Student Disciplinary Committee, and will notify the student and the Committee of his/her decision within ten (10) days from the receipt of the appeal.

(4) TUAPA: All cases which may result in: (a) suspension or expulsion of a student or student organization from the institution for disciplinary reasons or (b) revocation of registration of a student organization are subject to the contested case provisions of the Tennessee Uniform Administrative Procedures Act (TUAPA), T.C.A. §4-5-301 et seq., and shall be processed in accord with the Uniform Contested Case procedures adopted by the Board of Regents unless the student or organization, after receiving written notice, waives those procedures and elects to have the case disposed of in accord with institutional procedures or waives all right to contest the case under any procedure. The Vice President for Student Services has the authority and responsibility for coordination and administration of cases involving students that may be subject to the Tennessee Uniform Administrative Procedures Act.

(5) Interim Suspension Hearings: Interim suspension, pending the completion of disciplinary procedures, may be imposed upon a finding that the continued presence of the accused on campus constitutes an immediate threat to the physical safety and well-being of the accused, any other member of the institution its guests, property, or substantial disruption of classroom or other campus activities. In any case of interim suspension, the student or student organization shall be given an opportunity at the time of the decision or as soon thereafter as reasonably possible to contest the suspension. Hearings conducted with regard to interim suspensions imposed pending the outcome of a disciplinary investigation or proceeding shall be conducted consistent with the minimum requirements of due process applicable to an institutional hearing, taking into account the need for a timely hearing. If such a hearing is initiated, the following procedures shall apply:

(a) The VPSS will convene as many members of the Student Disciplinary Committee as may be assembled within two (2) business days of the notification of summary suspension to hear the student’s appeal. A minimum of three (3) voting members of the committee must be present to hear the student’s appeal.

(b) The Student Disciplinary Committee will apply the same procedures for interim suspension hearings as those used by the committee for other hearings described in Part 6, section (3)(a) of this policy.

(6) All matters involving allegations of impermissible discrimination, harassment, or retaliation will be governed by the procedures outlined in TBR Guideline P-080 Subject: Discrimination and Harassment – Complaint and Investigation Procedure and/or an institutional policy that reflects the requirements of that Guideline.

(7) The president of the college is authorized, at his or her discretion, to subsequently convert any finding or sanction imposed to a lesser finding or sanction, or to rescind any previous finding or sanction, in appropriate cases.
This policy is promulgated pursuant to, and in compliance with,TBR Rule 0240-02-03-.06 Disciplinary Procedures and due Process. To the extent that a conflict exists between this policy and TBR rule, policy and/or applicable law(s), the TBR rule, policy and/or law will control. History – Adopted by TBR: 12/8/11. Effective: 1/29/12.

Copyright Infringement Law

Copyright infringement claims should be reported to the Office of Information Technology Director who serves as agent for the college. As described in the “Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998,” the agent will receive and process complaints from copyright holders. Upon notice of infringement of copyright, the agent will remove or block access to the infringing material described in the notice. The user will be notified of the action taken and may provide counter-notice of an error in the removal of the material. This counter-notice will be passed on to the original complaining party, and the material will have access restored within 10–14 days unless notice is received that a lawsuit has been filed over the material. Repeat offenders will have computer accounts terminated.

Emergency Policies

In emergency medical situations, 911 should be contacted immediately. The Security Department should then be contacted to coordinate and control the situation at (423) 618-1720. Cleveland State Community College campus, as well as the Athens site, are equipped with Emergency Code Blue Phones. The locations are as follows:

CSCC Code Blue Phones

1. East Parking Lot
2. Johnson Cultural Heritage Building
3. Sitting area between Education Building and Science Building
4. Gymnasium
5. North Parking Lot

Athens Site Code Blue Phone

Directly behind the main campus building.

Code Blue Phones are equipped with the following functions:

1. Emergency 911 (for emergency only)
2. Security (General Security needs)
3. AED Access

Freedom of Expression

Cleveland State Community College considers freedom of inquiry and discussion essential to educational development and recognizes the right of students to engage in discussion, exchange thought and opinion and speak freely on any subject in accord with guarantees of our state and national constitutions. In addition, Cleveland State strives to develop in students a realization that citizens not only have the right, but also the obligation, to inform themselves regarding issues and problems of the day, to formulate standards regarding these and to give expression to their views.

In discharging these rights and obligations, however, students must also recognize their responsibilities to other individuals, to the college and its constituency and to the state and nation. Cleveland State takes pride in the fact that its campus is open to free discussion and the examination of views with the condition that such discussion be accompanied by peaceful conditions consistent with a scholarly nature of an academic community.

Fund Raising

External solicitation for funds to support any program or activity related to Cleveland State Community College must be coordinated through the Director of Institutional Advancement and comply with Cleveland State Community College Policy No. 3:02:02:02. Such requests must be made at least 30 days prior to the projected fund raising activity and must be approved by the President of the college.

All internal solicitation for funds on campus or fund raising activities must be approved by the Vice President for Student Services and comply with all requirements of Paragraph III of Tennessee Board of Regents Policy No. 3:02:02:00.

Cleveland State Community College Form, “Request for Fund Raising Activity,” must be utilized for all fund raising requests. These forms are available in the Office of the Vice President for Student Services.

Final Grade Appeal Process

The responsibility for evaluating student work and assigning grades lies with the instructor of the course. The purpose of the grade appeal procedure is to provide a review process 1) for a student to understand the reasons why the grade was assigned, 2) for the instructor to become aware of and correct possible errors, 3) for appropriate supervisors at the department and college level to review the basis on which a grade has been awarded and to arbitrate grade changes where appropriate, and 4) for a formal appeal to the Academic Grade Appeal Committee. Only the instructor or the Academic Grade Appeals Committee has the authority to change a grade.

A student may appeal a course grade if the student has evidence that the grade was assigned in a malicious, erroneous, capricious, or arbitrary manner. Arbitrary and capricious is defined as a final course grade assigned: 1) on some basis other than performance in the course, 2) by resorting to unreasonable standards different from those that were applied to other students in the course, or 3) by a substantial, unreasonable, or unannounced departure from the faculty member’s previously articulated grading standards. The student has the right to discontinue the appeal at any time during the appeal process.

In all cases of a disputed grade, the student has the burden of proof that the grade assigned was not appropriate. It is important to distinguish grounds for grade appeal from questions about quality of instruction. Successful grade appeals should be based on evidence that the student performed at a level sufficient to warrant a different grade. It is important for students to bring to the instructor’s and the department’s attention perceived deficiencies in instruction, but these by themselves do not normally warrant a change in grade. For a successful grade appeal, the student should be able to show, for example, not that the student could have earned a grade of “B” under different circumstances, but rather that the student actually did earn a grade of “B” according to the standards set out on the syllabus for that course, but was assigned a lower grade.

The procedure for complaints against instructors is addressed in other sections of the Student Handbook. If there is evidence that the grade assigned was influenced by consideration of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, handicap or national origin, the matter must also be reported to the Director of Human Resources.

Note: Participants involved in the Final Course Grade Appeal Process should be aware of the need for confidentiality throughout the process. Materials and information that are a part of the appeal process are confidential and should not be disclosed to or discussed with anyone not involved in the process. Likewise, a Final Course Grade Appeal Hearing is a confidential hearing and materials presented and matters deliberated in the hearing should not be disclosed to or discussed with anyone not involved in the hearing. Pending resolution of the appeal, the contested grade and its consequences will stand.

Steps of the Final Course Grade Appeal Process

  1. Prior to initiating the official final course grade appeal process, the student should make an appointment with the instructor(s) who assigned the grade to discuss the complaint in an effort to reach a satisfactory resolution to the problem. This meeting between the student and the instructor(s) must occur before the end of the second week (ten working days) of the subsequent term (including summer).
    1. In the event the student is unable to schedule a meeting with the instructor(s), the student must contact the instructor(s)’s supervisor who will schedule a meeting between the instructor(s) and the student (and the supervisor, if appropriate).
    2. In the event the instructor(s) is no longer employed by the college or is not readily available (for instance, during the summer), the supervisor will make reasonable effort to contact the instructor(s). If unable to contact the instructor(s), the supervisor will instruct the student to proceed to the next step of the appeal process.
  2. This step must be completed within ten working days. If the student complaint is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction during the meeting(s) described above, the student has five working days from the date of the meeting with the instructor(s) (and/or the instructor(s)’s supervisor) to contact the dean of the appropriate area to inform him/her that the student wishes to initiate an official final course grade appeal process. At this point, the dean will provide the student with the final course grade appeal form. The student must submit the completed final course grade appeal form to the dean within five working days from the day he/ she receives the form. Once a form is initiated, a copy must be forwarded to the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs regardless of the level of resolution.
  3. The dean’s receipt of the completed student final course grade appeal form constitutes the beginning of the final grade appeal process. Upon receipt of the completed student final course grade appeal form, the dean has ten working days in which to mediate a discussion with the instructor(s) and the student (together or separately) in an attempt to reach a satisfactory resolution of the complaint. The dean should maintain written documentation of any discussions and/or meetings with the student and instructor(s).
  4. If no agreement is reached, the dean must notify, in writing, the parties involved by the end of the 11th working day that the appeal will be passed on to the Vice President for Academic Affairs if the student wishes to continue the appeal. The student has five working days to request that the dean forward the appeal to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The dean’s written documentation should be attached to the appeal form. The Vice President for Academic Affairs will then have 15 working days in which to mediate a discussion with the instructor(s) and the student (together or separately) in an attempt to reach s satisfactory resolution of the complaint. The Vice President for Academic Affairs must maintain written documentation of any discussion and/or meetings with the student and instructor(s). If no agreement is reached, the Vice President for Academic Affairs must notify in writing the parties involved by the end of the 16th working day that the appeal will be passed on to the Academic Appeals Committee if the student wishes to continue the appeal. The student has ten working days to request that the Vice President for Academic Affairs forward the appeal to the Academic Appeals Committee. The Academic Vice President’s written documentation should be attached to the appeal form.
  5. Once the request to forward the appeal to the Academic Appeals Committee has been received, the Vice President for Academic Affairs will forward to the chair of the Academic Appeals Committee all materials submitted throughout the appeal process to date. The committee will have ten working days to convene and determine if a hearing is merited.
    1. If the committee decides that the appeal does not merit a hearing, the existing disposition of the grade and its consequences will stand. The committee chair will inform the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the dean, the student and the instructor(s) of the committee’s decision.
    2. If the committee decides a hearing is merited, the committee chair will contact the student and the instructor(s) to schedule a date for the hearing. The hearing must occur within 20 working days of the date of the committee’s decision to grant the hearing. Notification of the date of the hearing will be given by the committee chair to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the dean, the student and the instructor(s) at least ten working days prior to the date of the hearing. This notification will also inform both the student and the instructor(s) that they should bring to the hearing whatever additional information and materials they consider pertinent to the complaint. The student and the instructor(s) should be notified of the date of the hearing by return receipt certified mail.
    3. The committee will have ten working days from the conclusion of the hearing to reach its decision. Within five working days of the committee’s decision, the committee chair will notify, in writing, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the dean, the student and the instructor(s) of the committee’s decision.
    4. All voting of the committee is done by secret ballot. The decision of the Academic Appeals Committee is final, except in cases covered under TBR policy 1:02:11:00. This policy is a mechanism for appeal to the Chancellor and to the Board if the student contests on the basis of violation of state or federal law, or institution or Board policy.
    5. Pending resolution of the appeal, the contested grade and its consequences will stand.

Grade Point Averages– Minimum Requirement

(See Academic Information  for additional information on grading and quality point average calculation.)


Min. Grades Required to Remain in Good Standing

See Academic Probation and Retention Standards in the Academic Information  section of this catalog

Nursing Program Admission  
Nursing Program Progression (Nursing Courses)  
Medical Assistant Admission  
Early Admission (High School Senior) 3.2 and ACT of 22
Graduation (Degree or Certificate) 2.0
Graduation Highest Honors 3.8–4.0
Graduation High Honors 3.6–3.79
Graduation Honors 3.3–3.59
President’s List 4.0
Dean’s List 3.5–3.99
Honor Roll 3.0–3.49

Scholarships and Financial Aid

CSCC Foundation Current student maintaining a 2.5 GPA
Minimum 2.5 High School GPA
Minimum of 19 composite on the ACT
Minimum of 500 on the GED
Institutional Academic Scholarships Various H.S. GPA, ACT score requirements, and award amounts
Must be a full-time student
Must maintain 2.5 GPA at CSCC
Diversity Scholarship 2.5
Tennessee Scholars Must be certified by local chamber
Must be a full-time student
Must maintain a 2.5 GPA at CSCC
Federal Financial Aid (FPELL, FWSP, FStafford Loans, etc.)
0–14 Hrs. Attempted Greater than 0.0
14.1–26 Hrs. Attempted 1.0
26.1–40 Hrs. Attempted 1.4
40.1–48 Hrs. Attempted 1.7
48.1–56 Hrs. Attempted 1.9
56.1–Above Hrs. Attempted 2.0

Student Activities

Student Senate Officers 2.5
Student Senators 2.0
Cherokee Signal Editor 2.25
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society–Admission and Retention 3.0

Intercollegiate Athletics

(NJCAA Regulations available in the Office of the Athletic Director)

Note: All programs and activities may have other requirements in addition to grade point averages. For complete information check with the appropriate college official.


Cleveland State Community College is committed to providing its faculty, staff and students with an environment free of sexual harassment and harassment on the basis of race, color, religious views, status of a covered veteran, political affiliation, gender, age, ethnic or national origin, orientation or disability. Harassment is a form of discrimination and is grounds for disciplinary action. It may also, depending on its nature, constitute a violation of federal law. Any student who has a complaint regarding harassment may contact the Director of Human Resources for information and assistance relative to the procedure for review of the complaint. The Human Resource Office is located in Room 107 in the Administration Building.

Illegal Drug Policy

Cleveland State Community College prohibits the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees. College policy 1:13:00:00 details the college provisions under the Drug- Free Workplace Act of 1988 and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989. As described in this policy, the college has a program which addresses standards of conduct concerning drugs and alcohol, legal sanctions, health risks, available counseling and treatment programs, and disciplinary sanctions that the institution will impose on students and employees. Students and employees are expected to be familiar with and comply with CSCC policy 1:13:00:00.

Minors on Campus

Cleveland State Community College is an institution of higher education and as such must preserve conditions which will permit a proper learning and work environment at all times. However, consideration for the learning environment of the students, the work routine of staff employees and the safety of the children requires that children may not accompany adults into classrooms, offices or other work spaces as a baby-sitting function nor be left unsupervised in the halls or grounds of the college.

Possession and Use of Weapons

Cleveland State Community College prohibits the possession of firearms and other weapons on its premises. Tennessee State Law prescribes a maximum penalty of five years imprisonment and a fine not to exceed $2,500 for carrying weapons on school property.

The only exceptions to this policy are:

  1. The possession of weapons by law enforcement officers of the city, county, state or federal government (and military personnel as authorized under TCA 39-17-1309) when in the discharge of their official duties.
  2. The possession of weapons by students and instructors in the Basic Police Training Program on those occasions wherein the specific training activities of the time require the possession of a weapon or weapons.
  3. Specific instructional/ceremonial situations wherein an exception to this policy is determined to be necessary and is authorized by the President.

Search and Seizure

State law provides that students and their property on the Cleveland State campus may be searched and, where necessary, seized on the basis of a determination of probable cause. Probable cause may be found where the facts and circumstances within college administrators’ knowledge and of which they have reasonable trustworthy information are sufficient in themselves to warrant a search in the belief that a violation of the college’s regulations has been or is being committed. The decision to implement search of students or their property will be made by either the Vice President for Student Services or the President in that order and should be based upon a signed statement (warrant if possible) by a person setting forth in detail the facts and circumstance justifying the search and, where based in whole or in part on hearsay evidence, stating the underlying circumstances from which the person concluded that the third person was credible or his information reliable.

In exceptional circumstances a warrantless search may be made and college personnel may proceed with the search without a written authorization. Such circumstances are limited to those where the violation of the college’s regulation on contraband can be said to be in imminent danger of disappearance, destruction or removal.

When the student voluntarily consents to a search, no written authorization for the search is required. In addition, in all cases where a search is to be made of a student’s property or premises, the student should be present for the search whenever possible.

In the event that police or other law enforcement officials not employed by the college request permission to search students or their property, the college will not consent to the search unless the officials have a search warrant for particular students or their property. All questions concerning this subject should be directed to the Office of the Vice President for Student Services or to the President of the college.

Sexual Assault and Sex Offense Policy and Reporting Procedure

Cleveland State Community College will not tolerate sexual assault in any form. A student charged with sexual assault can be prosecuted under Tennessee criminal statutes and disciplined under the campus code of student conduct. Even if the criminal justice authorities choose not to prosecute, the campus can pursue disciplinary action.

The college uses the following methods to educate the college community about sexual offense prevention:

  • Counseling brochures designed to inform students of existing on- and off-campus counseling, mental health and other student services for victims of sexual offenses
  • Lectures open to all students and employees
  • Presentations to Introduction to College Life
  • Posters on campus bulletin boards
  • Other activities sponsored by student organizations

Students, faculty and staff should report all crimes so that an investigation can be made to determine if any pattern of recurring crime can be determined. If a reported crime is considered a threat, alert posters are published and posted throughout campus as a form of direct communication in order to maintain a well-informed campus environment.

Reporting a Sexual Offense

If a rape/sexual offense occurs on the main campus, contact one of the Sexual Offense Management Team members listed below. Off-campus staff names are provided as well.

Sexual Offense Management Team: John Wittmaier, Coordinator of Safety and Security–Security Building; Michael Stokes, Vice President for Student Services– Mathis Student Center; Patty Weaver, Director of Off-Campus Sites; Mark Wilson, Director of the ACCESS Center–Mathis Student Center; and Katie Willingham, Coordinator of Student Activities.

Security will do a preliminary interview and give direction on how to proceed. If the rape/sexual offense occurs at an off-campus site, contact the site director and he/she will call security on the main campus for instructions on how to proceed. Campus Security personnel will assist you in notifying local police of any campus offenses if you choose to do so. Victims have the option to notify or not notify proper law enforcement.

When a rape/sexual offense is reported, the college will make every effort to see that the victim is offered both medical and psychological care as well as information about prosecuting the suspect through both criminal and college disciplinary channels.

A victim of any form of sexual offense is encouraged to seek appropriate medical assistance. If immediate medical attention is warranted, the victim should be transported to a hospital emergency room.

It is important that the victim seek medical attention in order to assure his/her well-being and to ensure that any evidence is preserved as possible proof of a criminal sexual offense in the event that criminal charges are pursued.

Disciplinary Procedures and Victims’ Rights

Campus disciplinary action will be taken against students accused of sexual offenses. The procedures following in such instances are described in CSCC Policy 3:02:00:01. In addition to the provisions of that policy, special rights are given to the victim if a suspect in a sexual offense case is a Cleveland State student. Both the accuser and the accused are entitled to the same opportunities to have others present during a campus disciplinary hearing. In the event a student defendant elects to have the case heard by the Student Disciplinary Committee, both the accuser and the accused have the right to have counsel, as well as others, present. In addition, both the accuser and the accused shall be informed of the outcome of any campus disciplinary proceeding brought as a result of these charges. Sanctions resulting from disciplinary proceedings may include disciplinary action up to and including permanent dismissal from the college.

All reasonable requests by the victim to be removed from contact with the suspect will be granted, including change of schedule, etc. The Vice President for Student Services will assist victims in this area.

Sex Offender

The federal Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act and the Tennessee College and University Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2002 require that whenever a sex offender becomes enrolled as a student or volunteers at an institution of higher education in the state of Tennessee, he or she must complete or update the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) sexual offender registration/monitoring form and deliver it to TBI headquarters in Nashville. As defined in section 40- 39-102 of the Tennessee Code, a “sexual offender means a person who is, or has been, convicted in this state of committing a sexual offense or who is, or has been, convicted in another state or another country, or who is or has been convicted in a federal or military court, of committing an act which would have constituted a sexual offense if it had been committed in this state. A “sexual offense” means the commission of acts including but not limited to aggravated and statutory rape, sexual battery, sexual exploitation of a minor, aggravated prostitution and kidnapping.

Both acts designate certain information concerning a registered sexual offender as public information and therefore amend and supercede the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and other federal and state laws that previously prohibited the disclosure of such personal information. Since the laws require the publication of information pertaining to sexual offenders enrolled or volunteering at an educational institution, said publication does not constitute grounds for a grievance or complaint under institutional or Tennessee Board of Regents policies or procedures.

In compliance with the federal Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act and the Tennessee College and University Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2002, members of the campus community may obtain the most recent information received from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) concerning sex offenders enrolled or volunteering at this institution at the Office of the Vice President of Finance and Administration. Information is also available on the TBI’s web site listing of sex offenders located on the internet at http://www.ticic.state.tn.us/SEX_ofndr/search_short.asp.

Use of Tobacco on Campus
CSCC Policy 1:14:00:00

Smoking or the use of tobacco products of any type is prohibited on any property owned by, or leased and operated on behalf of Cleveland State Community College. All guests and visitors will be encouraged to refrain from using any tobacco products on campus including parking lots and sidewalks. Appropriate signage will be in place for explanation and clarification.

Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct

Students have the responsibility to obey and follow college policy and procedures and the Associate Student Body Government Policies, federal and state statutes and city ordinances, to respect the rights of others, to fulfill academic requirements of their courses, to contribute to a positive, productive learning environment at the college and to take responsibility for personal decisions and conduct.

The following rights and responsibilities apply to all registered students:

  1. Academic Requirements: Students have the right to be informed about academic requirements of courses and programs.
  2. Student Records: Student academic records and personal information are protected and governed by federal and state laws and college policy and procedures.
  3. Rights of Association: Students have the right to join any recognized student organization or club, associate freely with other individuals or groups of individuals for purposes that do not infringe on the rights of others.
  4. Rights of Non-Discrimination: Students have the right to an environment that is free from illegal forms of discrimination including sexual harassment in accordance with college policies.
  5. Rights of Expression: Students have the right to express their views on college policy or matters of general interest but such expression must be made without disruption to the operations of the college or interference with the rights of others.
  6. Safe Environment: Students can function daily and feel secure regarding concern for personal safety.
  7. Right to Representation for Institutional Governance: Students have the opportunity to participate in the decision making process that governs the institution through representation on campus committees and the Student Senate (SGA).
  8. Prompt Responses from Administration: Students have the right to expect attention and prompt responses from administration regarding student concerns and proposals.
  9. Policy/Legal Changes: Students have the right to be informed in a timely manner of any changes to policy or law.
  10. Right to Initiate Complaint Process: Students have the right to initiate a complaint concerning an alleged violation of college policies or procedures by another student, faculty or staff member. A student who has reason to believe that any college policy/ procedure denies, abuses or diminishes his/her rights may initiate the student complaint resolution procedure.
  11. Right to Due Process: Procedures are in place to insure every student’s rights are protected.

Standards of Conduct

  • Academic conduct that reflects the highest level of honesty and integrity.
  • Actions that are civil, courteous and respectful of all members of the campus community, their property and the property of the institution.
  • Social behavior that encourages responsibility, and discourages the unlawful use of alcohol, illicit drugs and weapons.
  • Group behavior that promotes mutual respect, equality and safety of its members, and opposes those acts that harass, intimidate or haze its members.

Traffic Regulations

CSCC Policy 3:02:00:01 includes information regarding traffic and Parking. Students are expected to be familiar with these regulations. Traffic citations may be appealed to the Student Traffic Court. Appeal forms are available at the Switchboard and Business Office.

Use of Campus Property and Facilities

Tennessee Board of Regents Policy No. 3:02:03:00 provides a uniform basis upon which the institution can regulate the use of campus property and facilities by institution or school-affiliated and non-affiliated groups and individuals. The policy is intended to provide a system of regulations calculated to promote the orderly conduct of activities on campus property and in campus facilities, to prevent interruption of or interference with normal mission, processes and functions of the institutions and schools and to prevent use of campus property and facilities which is contrary to federal, state or local law or regulation or policies or regulations of the Board of Regents or the college. This policy is on file and available for review in the Office of the Vice President.