Jan 13, 2025  
2012-2013 Catalog & Student Handbook 
2012-2013 Catalog & Student Handbook [ARCHIVED]

» Course Descriptions

Classification of Courses

The following classification of courses is furnished for clarification to assist students in choosing appropriate courses:

  1. Courses numbers lower than 1000 are designated as learning support courses.  These may not be used to satisfy degree or certificate requirements. Enrollment in these courses is limited to students who are placed in them according to the College’s placement procedure.
  2. Courses numbered 1000-1999 are freshman level and those numbered 2000-2999 are sophomore level. However, students having necessary prerequisites may take any course.

Course Descriptions

Two types of courses are offered: institutional credit non-transfer courses not applicable to a degree or certificate and regular college credit courses.

Regular College Credit Courses

The following abbreviations indicate the term in which the course is offered:

F — Fall

S — Spring

Su — Summer

UD — Upon Demand

♦ — Courses which fulfill minimum degree requirements. For more information, see General Education Course Requirements for Associate of Arts, Associate of Fine Arts, Associate of Science and Associate of Applied Science, under » Academic Information  .

  — Not part of the Tennessee Transfer Path.


Medical Assistant

 A student must be admitted to the Medical Assistant concentration before enrolling in MDA 2100, 2120 or 2130.  A student must be in the Pre-Medical Assistant concentration to enroll in MDA 1010, 1020 or 2110.





 To be eligible for the following courses, students must be admitted to the Nursing Program. Courses must be taken in sequence.


Office Administration





 Special materials may be required for certain Photography courses. Students should consult the advisor or instructor.


Physical Education

 Each activity course meets two hours per week. Although students may choose to repeat a course for credit, two different activity course numbers must be taken to fulfill the two-hour physical education requirement. Veterans may apply for up to four hours of credit for active military service. Students with medical reasons or handicaps verifiable by a physician may
request adaptive physical education activities appropriate for their needs and abilities.


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