The following classification of courses is furnished for clarification to assist students in choosing appropriate courses:
Courses numbers lower than 1000 are designated as learning support courses. These may not be used to satisfy degree or certificate requirements. Enrollment in these courses is limited to students who are placed in them according to the College’s placement procedure.
Courses numbered 1000-1999 are freshman level and those numbered 2000-2999 are sophomore level. However, students having necessary prerequisites may take any course.
Course Descriptions
Two types of courses are offered: institutional credit non-transfer courses not applicable to a degree or certificate and regular college credit courses.
Regular College Credit Courses
The following abbreviations indicate the term in which the course is offered:
F — Fall
S — Spring
Su — Summer
UD — Upon Demand
♦ — Courses which fulfill minimum degree requirements. For more information, see General Education Course Requirements for Associate of Arts, Associate of Fine Arts, Associate of Science and Associate of Applied Science, under » Academic Information .
Cooperative Education is the integration of classroom theory with practical work experience. The program requires a student to have specific periods of attendance at the college and specific periods of employment. The employment periods are established by cooperative agreements between the college and business, industry and government agencies. Students are advised to check with the institution to which they plan to attend concerning the transferability of these courses.
The following course may be required of students based upon assessment results. This course will not satisfy requirements for degrees or certificates. (Prerequisite: Placement testing or completion of previous course, if any, in applicable sequence.